Am I an Old Mom?

When you turn 35 you earn the new title of “Advanced Maternal Age,” which throws you instantly into a category of high-risk for complications in pregnancy. Risks like higher rates of chromosomal disorders and age-related issues like diabetes or hypertension.

It wasn’t in my plan to be pregnant at 35. In fact we began trying to start a family when I was 27. But things didn’t go text book. I lost a baby boy in 2007, then another in 2008. (See my miscarriage post) After a barrage of tests and two surgeries I was finally properly diagnosed with incompetent cervix, which I now know has been renamed insufficient cervix. So the good news is my cervix is no longer hopeless, just inadequate. Good thing my cervix doesn’t have self-esteem issues!

My first successful pregnancy I had my cervix stitched closed (known as a cerclage) and I gave birth to a full-term, healthy baby boy in 2009, then a full-term, healthy baby girl in 2011. We realized that we truly wanted three children but I wasn’t sure I wanted to spend 50% of my thirties being pregnant and breastfeeding. It’s a commitment and a sacrifice. But the long-term rewards are going to be amazing. And that is why I chose to do this now.

So am I an old mom?

Maybe in medical terms, but for me I’m just a mom with more experience and more room in my heart. And with a few body modifications that I won’t mention…


So on that note, let me introduce our upcoming arrival due in early June 2014. Being high-risk just means I get to see a lot of our new baby via ultrasound and he/she will already have a great start to their photo album. Here’s to 2014 and all the exciting things it will bring to our family.

Are you facing any pregnancy challenges in your mid 30’s? You are definitely not alone. Leave a comment and your due date!

Tiffany never dreamed she would be mom material let alone a SAHM! Leaving her full-time job as a marketing manager/graphic designer, Tiffany set out to explore the world of spit-up, Sesame Street and sleep deprivation. Managing her two little ones has definitely proven to be a challenge of patience and will but at the end of the day those sweet faces make each day fulfilling. Married to her husband of ten years, the couple takes every opportunity to explore new places even if it means being out of their comfort zone. Outside of her children and spouse, Tiffany truly enjoys vintage stores, photography with her beloved Nikon, a good facial, wine and chick flicks. Her role at Jacksonville Moms Blog will be to take her readers through the journey of living greener. It’s sure to be a great resource for using easy-to-create household cleaners to what to do with all of that food your toddler just wasted!


  1. We are expecting baby #2 early July and I turn 35 in May. Our 3 year old makes me feel anything but “advanced” in age :). Love all the extra peeks we are getting at the next one, though!

  2. I had my first at 35 and didn’t feel old at all. Now we are set to welcome a second at age 42! I have an infertility condition so we tried for years and then moved on.

    I was nervous to be pregnant at this age, but I have had a textbook pregnancy, and I am actually in better shape now than vs 35.

    Thanks for your blog, I was researching C Section info and can accross it.


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