In April 2000, Bob Hayes Sports Complex became a reality when the City purchased an adjacent parcel to Lonnie Miller Regional Park from the Diocese of St. Augustine for $175,000 (OR 9610 pg. 1347), subject to an easement for underground utilities, access, and other terms (OR 7330 pg. 1398).As of December 2004, funding has been approved for the $1.4 million project, which will be put out for bids as soon as the latest revision of the plans is completed. To be known as the Bob Hayes Soccer Complex (or possibly Sports Complex), the facility will include several youth soccer fields, a football field, a pavilion/concession building that will also contain restrooms and storage space, playground and picnic equipment, bleachers, sidewalks, an asphalt trail, parking, a retention pond, irrigation, sewer/drainage facilities, and landscaping.
Bob Hayes Sports Complex and Legends Center
5054 Soutel Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32208, United States