Mary Lauren Eubank

Mary Lauren Eubank
Mary-Lauren Eubank is a curly-haired Texan in the trenches of motherhood with two sassy and entertaining daughters. A busybody in the truest sense, she teaches fitness classes all week at Define Jacksonville. To stay sane, Mary-Lauren requires a daily dose of dark chocolate, unwinds with a page-turner, and folds laundry watching just the kind of reality TV that she will forbid her girls from watching in the future. A wannabe foodie, she loves to learn about, prepare, experiment, and indulge in all things food…well, except the shopping part with kids in tow. She blogs about all things fitness from debunking the latest trends to goal setting, Mary-Lauren is passionate about being active, being real and being healthy!

Me and My ‘Fro

Wavy, corkscrew, wiry, ringlets, spiral and everyone’s favorite ...kinky. You know hair has a personality of its own when the world needs multiple adjectives to categorize it. Most people with curly hair hate it...
Mary Lauren

Making A List

I’m one of the million mothers out there making a list and checking it twice, dashing around trying to find the perfect gift for my preschoolers when it hit me. I have the best...

Glo Ho Ho

We’ve all heard holiday shopping is a sport but, since most gifts are just a click away with online shopping, we must remember to give more than just our fingers a workout this season. As...

Baby It’s Cold Outside Part I

One thing I’ve learned in my four years of being a pseudo-Floridian is when the temperature drops below 75, it’s winter!! It doesn’t take long to get used to the balmy temperatures here and...
Sports Bra (Photo: David Lawrence/Women's Health Magazine)

Uniboob No More!

The Uniboob. Long ago, a woman was dressing for her usual morning run when her husband walked by, gave her a sideways glance and muttered “hmmm.” The wife immediately asked him what he was...