I've been pretty in my feels lately. They're getting exhausting, these emotions! My oldest went from 5 to 6 in January, and my youngest turning 1 just two days after Christmas has this mama feeling some type of way....
Caregivers can certainly all agree that they want their sweet little ones to get a good (and safe!) night's sleep. But as research continually evolves, the safe sleep guidelines for newborns and infants can be baffling for parents. Which...
As I write this, my son is turning 5. I’m not quite sure how to sum it up, but having a son has exceeded what I ever thought it would be. If you know me at all, I am...
Thinking back on the early days of motherhood, I remember being introduced to water beads at a playdate. I thought they were the best thing ever! My children loved tactile sensory bins, and naturally, I thought water beads were...
Five months after my 21st birthday, my husband and I decided to start trying to have a baby. I know what you’re thinking — are you insane?! You’re so young! You just started legally drinking... why do you want...
I am so very fortunate to have two incredible children. Twins, in fact! One boy and one girl. The ideal scenario, people constantly tell me. They truly are my pride and joy, and I couldn’t love them more. With their...
My son is turning 3 soon, and as we age out of Early Steps and start the process for Child Find, it feels like one chapter is closing and another starting. If you’re wondering about early intervention services for...
There's endless excitement to look forward to when you're blessed with a baby boy — like the cuddles, crazy antics, and complete and total chaos that may arise during toddlerhood (and beyond). And there's a lot to learn... like...
Life itself gives us the opportunity to learn. It gives us numerous lessons in love, kindness, and compassion. Let’s not forget the lessons in anger, hurt, and jealousy. No one ever said life was easy, and no one said...
For all my fellow moms and dads who are members of the Rainbow Baby Club: This post is for you. If you've never experienced a pregnancy loss, chances are the term "rainbow baby" might not be familiar to you. If...
There they are — those two pink lines you’ve been waiting for! You’ve been dreaming about being pregnant, and it’s finally happened! But now what?? It’s easy to feel overwhelmed as a first-time mom when you first see that positive...
Leave it to me to find the most obscure and bizarre postpartum affliction available. I hadn’t a clue that D-MER was even a thing until it happened to me. Oh, what’s that you say? You’ve never heard of it?...

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