Diapers out, big boy undies in! Potty training bootcamp started a month ago when I originally posted about how my three and half-year-old son refused to sit on the toilet. When he accounced in Starbucks that he was pooping while bracing...
It finally happened. The you-know-what hit the fan, and I've officially lost it. My amazingly adorable, intelligent and loving three-year-old just became THAT kid, the bad kid. Yes, I know it's a phase... everyone is telling me it's a...
Liam is three years and three months old. He STILL wears diapers. REFUSES to sit on the toilet. I've taken the mindset that I would be patient and when he was ready I would roll with it. I have...
We call Isla “0 to 60” because she can go from being completely giggly one minute to a ball of tears the next. But I think that moniker is more suited for me. It’s funny how being a mom...
I love it when I find a product that makes my job as a parent just a tad bit easier. My grandmother, however, would likely scoff at all the "new-fangled" products marketed to parents these days. But hey, even Supermom...
A few months ago, my mom gave me an article she had cut out of the paper. It was about a program that screened pre-school aged children for reading readiness. I was fascinated, and made an appointment to have...
If you haven't heard of the Elf on the Shelf, chances are you aren't a parent or your kids are too young to really get it. In fact, the only reason I know about it is due to my...

Never Say Never!

Have you ever looked at a mom who has kids older than your own and thought “I will never do that” or “I will never say that"? I was one of those moms when my baby was too small...
Whoever came up with the term "terrible two's" obviously never made it to the age of three. Yes, an energetic, just-learned-to use-the-word-NO two-year-old can seriously be exhausting. But what I am discovering is the closer we get to that third...
Amy West Wilson

Answer With Caution

If you are a stay at home/work at home mom like myself, you may find yourself in the precarious position of needing to take phone calls during the waking hours of your preschooler. This can be a dangerous and...
You can almost smell the sugar in the air. Halloween is fast approaching and for most of us that brings to mind one thing: CANDY. Pretty soon parents all over the country intend to willingly allow their children to...
Since I started teaching fitness classes with Jacksonville Stroller Strength, my daughter has begun mimicking my every workout move. The other day I heard her say something that sounded like “shldr ruls” and looked over only to find her...

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