While most of us (and our kiddos!) are getting ready for Halloween this weekend, buying costumes and organizing socially-distant activities, the last week in October also marks 5 Days of Action this year. Every year, youth-serving organizations such as the YMCA...
In a world where it feels like every thought or action gets posted to Instagram stories, where Christmas cards have gone virtual, where entire museums exist for Facebook selfies, a new trend seems to be rising from this pandemic. We've...
Social distancing is at an all-time high in 2020, but the reality is, we started "social distancing" years ago. Text messaging is the most prevalent form of communication for Americans under the age of 50, but I just can't...
There is no denying that the beginning of this school year is like nothing we have ever experienced. Typically, this time of year is chock-full of fun traditions and not-so-fun getting back to routines. This is when we shop...
I recently purchased a shirt that I saw one night on Instagram. It said, "If You're Not Angry, You're Not Paying Attention.” This shirt and its message spoke to me. Since March 2020, I have felt so many emotions...
Let me preface this post by saying, my family of five has already experienced COVID-19 firsthand. Is it necessary to mention that we also washed our hands for much longer than 20 seconds, we wore masks while out in...
Given the current environment and reliance on remote learning, it’s really important to manage screen time for overall good health when everything from school to church to ballet lessons is being offered online. It is also essential to focus...
It's safe to say that we're all going a little stir crazy from being cooped up inside these days. Our kids have a neverending list of questions, and we're all trying to find things to do without really leaving the...
Raise your hand if you've ever seen a post like this. Usually, it's something that goes viral from a mom's own Facebook account. A woman recounted her supposedly terrifying experience while shopping somewhere with her child that we all...
Our son is in 5th grade, and we’re in the last chapter of elementary school days. He’ll start middle school this fall, and as parents, we’re heavy into conversations about preparing for “the talk” this summer, how we’re going...
On Sunday afternoon, like millions of others around the world, I found out that NBA megastar Kobe Bryant had been killed in a devastating helicopter crash. Making the story even more tragic is that his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, was...
Few things are more exciting for a kid than receiving the latest cool new toy or hottest game. But parents, take note: All that ringing, buzzing and dinging could prove damaging to a child’s hearing. Kids and teenagers exposed to...

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