It’s almost here, Winter Break! We’ll have the kids home for 2-3 weeks and those dreaded words are inevitable, “Mommmmmy, I’m Bored!!!” Not what you want to here in the midst of the bazillion things you are trying to get done for the Holidays. This year, my kids and I are taking an idea from summer and we have created a Winter Bucket List. Along with JMB’s Holiday Guide and holiday camps, we are hoping to keep boredom away!
Go look at Christmas Lights
Hop in the car and blast those Christmas tunes!
Go Ice Skating
Check out Jacksonville Ice and Sportsplex or visit Winterfest at Adventure Landing.
Camp out under the Christmas Tree
Love this idea from Get your sleeping bags and pillows and snuggle up under the lights of the Christmas Tree.
Watch a Christmas Movie
Choose a Christmas classic and make it a tradition! Right now my kids are very into Home Alone, but Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, The Grinch and many others are great classics too! Check out ABC Family’s 25 Days of Christmas schedule to find a classic!
Make Christmas Ornaments
We love making yearly paper handprint ornaments. It’s so fun to see how much the kids have grown over the years. We trace their hands and let them cut them out and decorate however they like! I also love these salt dough ornaments which are easy and fun to make!
Go on a Holiday Scavenger Hunt
Print this Christmas Scavenger Hunt from Brassy Apple and play when you are driving. Kids will have a blast looking for all the items.
Make Homemade Bird Seed Ornaments
I love these bird seed ornaments. Click here for instructions on how to make them! This is a great outdoor activity and the kids have fun hanging them around outside.
Make Gifts for your Neighbors and Deliver Them
Make a little something for your neighbors and hand deliver them with your kids. It’s a nice way to connect to neighbors you don’t see often and the gesture is always so appreciated! My absolute favorite is this TO DIE FOR peppermint bark. Have the kids decorate some disposable tupperware with stickers and glitter glue and tie a pretty ribbon around it and VOILA! Fantastic neighbor gifts!
Make Paper Snowflakes
Cut out paper snowflakes and hang them somewhere in your house! It’s festive and easy and the kids love seeing how cutting paper can make something that looks so neat! Here are instructions for making them.
Make S’mores and Hot Cocoa
If you have a fireplace or outdoor fire pit, this task will be easy and yum! You can also do s’mores in the oven!
Make a Gingerbread House
Grab a Gingerbread Kit at Target or Michaels for any easy activity. If you are more crafty and want to take on a more authentic gingerbread house, I like this technique from Restless Chipotle. The key to a good gingerbread house is the “Royal Icing!”
Go to the beach and take a Polar Bear Plunge!
Brrrr…. Kids will love this idea! But with our 80 degree weather of late, it shouldn’t to too un”bear”able!
Make Homemade Snow Globes
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea and it’s so easy. All you need is a few figurines (aka some of the plastic figurines you have laying around that you aren’t sure where the other parts are,) a mason jar, glitter, water, and a hot glue gun. Lego creations make a great centerpiece for these snow globes too!
Have a Family Game Night
Right now my kids cannot get enough of playing games as a family. Apples to Apples, Headbandz, Pictionary, and Twister are some of our favorites. It’s fun for everyone and surprisingly educational for the kids too! This is one you’ll want to adopt on a more regular basis!
Here are printables with my suggested bucket list! I’ve also included a blank sheet so you can create own! Cut the Christmas Lights out and put in a jar or bowl and let your kids pick one activity a day! If you’d like to get the kids more involved, have them decorate popsicle sticks with markers and glue a light to each stick. Kids can then pull a stick each day with an activity.
Great post! It’s also a good time to pull out old family photo albums and have fun commenting pictures.