Structured Chaos

Have I mentioned my husband’s a planner? His motto is there’s never an issue that a spreadsheet couldn’t solve. Many vacations have been planned this way – costs compared, amenities ranked, all -inclusive or not. The spreadsheet can always be counted on to rank our next destination options based on priorities. I’ve been known to make fun of him for this, but the look in my husband’s eye when he knows a spreadsheet is in order is like a kid waking up on Christmas morning. I love him, so I sit back and fight the person inside of me who wants to fly by the seat of her pants.

Then something occurred that brought every belief I held regarding planning vs. adventure into question. The kids were on Spring Break last week, and I’d taken a few days off work. Our house cleaners were set to come that Monday, and let’s just say that having the very beings in the house who require this working mother to have housecleaners in the first place didn’t seem like a good idea. We also have a very large dog, and the kids are constantly wanting to take him to a local dog park.

Our giant “family member” and proof I do plan some things… Just not with spreadsheets.

After about five minutes or researching local dog parks that accept large breeds (no spreadsheet involved), I decided we would all four set out for a fun filled day. My first order of business? Stop and get food for a picnic. Since the dog park was near the downtown area, I decided Edgewood Bakery was perfect. We could get sandwiches, and of course, cookies to go.

We arrived at Edgewood Bakery to discover that they are closed on Mondays. Fine. I could course correct. We’d find the park and then locate another establishment that would offer us food. We arrived at the park to discover that it was completely deserted and not exactly what we were looking for. The kids were unimpressed to say the least, the weather was windy and cold, and suddenly my fun day at the dog park seemed as exciting as a root canal. Again. I’m an adventurer! Who needs a plan when the day is full of surprises just waiting to be unwrapped?

You know who needs a plan? Me, on a cold Spring Break day, with two complaining kids, and 150lb dog in the car. In the end, I successfully removed the dog and the kids from the house by doing nothing but driving around town for three hours. When I relayed this story to my husband, he responded in a way that only spouses can when a situation has proved their presence in the marriage invaluable.

“My planning doesn’t seem like such a bad idea now, does it?”

Don and Rosie in NYC was a fabulous transition in The Rosie Project. We learned so much about both characters by experiencing them outside of their normal lives. I loved the contrast between the way they planned their days in the city and how both of them ventured from their plans just a little to make the other more comfortable. I laughed so hard when Don was talking about his “special” treatment at the airport and that he is “only placed next to other passengers when flights are full.” Can we petition that a real list like this get created because I always get placed by the people who should have more than a one seat buffer when flying.

Little bits and pieces of Don’s life and his childhood have been revealed throughout, and I feel like there is so much there that we need to know to truly understand Don and who he is. Something happened that has forced him to compartmentalize emotions, and I’m really enjoying the fact that I don’t have that piece of the book figured out just yet.

The chapters this week were filled with character development and realizations that have me wondering how some of the underlying stories fit into the “will they or won’t they” main plot.

Does Gene know that Rosie could be his daughter? What is their history together?

What’s the deal with Gene and Claudia’s marriage? I truly don’t get it, and I’m still so confused by these characters.

Why did Rosie really put a stop to things in the hotel room in NYC? Was it the book or was it the fact that Gene had given it to Don? Did she really use the old, “it’s me, not you” line?

I like that Don is making subtle changes that seem to be opening up a new world to him. That’s what people do when they’re in love – bring out the best in each other. I may not understand my husband’s need for a spreadsheet all the time, but I sure do appreciate it when his plan results in a perfect vacation. He may not understand my propensity to just get in the car and go, but to a guy who would eat the same meal everyday if I let him, a little adventure is good for the soul. I am, however, planning to steal one of my favorite lines from Rosie when the situation arises in the future.

We are doing nothing more with your schedule until I’ve checked it for craziness.

The end is near as we will finish up the last chapters of the Rosie Project this week. Summer is right around the corner, and I’m looking to do some different things with the book club in the coming weeks and months to break it up just a little. Stay tuned and for the last blog for this book next week and more information. In the meantime, let me know what you think!

This book club has always been geared towards fiction, but my fellow Jaxmomsblog contributor, Meg, posted a great blog on books for working moms. Check it out!

Christie Pettus
Christie Pettus is a full time working wife and mother living her suburban cul de sac dream in Orange Park, Fl. She is Mom to two awesome teenagers, McKenzie and Ethan, who have come to accept that certain parts of their lives will be blogged about, so they should act accordingly. As graduates of the University of Florida, she and her husband Ryan can be found rooting on their alma mater every chance they get including the more obscure sports. LaCrosse anyone? When she’s not judging her kids' questionable teenage choices, she can be found hiding in a room buried in a good book or writing, editing, and dreaming about being a full-time author.


  1. I am one of those people who live better in organization and knowing what is ahead. I am not one for big surprises. But, I have enjoyed this book tremendously. I love the relationship between Don and Rosie and how it has really pushed Don to be a little more flexible. LOVED LOVED LOVED this book!!


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