The 2015 Hurricane Preparedness Guide


The 2015 Atlantic Hurricane Season officially started June 1st, and ends 30 November. While it is not uncommon for tropical storms to develop before and after these dates, this is the time of year where the warm weather is prime for storm development. This year’s outlook is below-normal, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared. is intended to raise our general awareness of how important it is to be fully prepared for hurricane-related events. Although the most recent hurricane seasons here in Jacksonville have been fairly mild, it is always smart to devise a plan and to assemble the necessary supplies in case of an emergency. You don’t want to head to the stores last minute to to stock up on water and supplies only to find that the shelves are empty. To help you prepare, we are sharing a list of local and national resources to peruse for helpful information.

Local Resources

WJXT’s Hurricane Tracker App: This interactive tracking app gives you up-to-date info and alerts.

First Coast News Hurricane Central Active Map: Check here for weather news, updates, and preparedness information.

Duval County Emergency Management’s Jax Ready Emergency Survival Guide and Jax Ready’s Facebook page gives news and updates, and you can download the Jax Ready App.

National Resources

NOAA Preparedness Guide Kids: Resources for kids and parents to be prepared in case of a disaster. It includes games for kids and teaches parents to help children cope during and after a disaster.

Young Meteorologist Program: This one is fun for the kids–Owlie takes them on a “Severe Weather Preparedness Adventure” and upon completion of the game, they will earn a Young Meteorologist Certificate.

Get a Plan: The Florida Division of Emergency Management helps you create an emergency plan for your family or business.

All of the above links are excellent resources for becoming familiar with hurricane preparedness. Later this month, we will have a post with more specifics for your family with tips and advice on keeping the kids (and parents) calm and safe.

Brandi recently took a break from her career as a mapmaker (GIS Analyst) to stay at home with her toddler son after moving to Jacksonville, Florida. She is knee-deep in diaper bags and baby gear as the founder of her website Little Brim Baby and as a contributor for BuyModernBaby and Child Mode. Passionate about breastfeeding, babywearing, and children’s books, she also enjoys spending time with her son browsing the local stores for unique baby and toddler items, enjoying area waterways with her family, and trying to adjust her native Illinois body to the humid Florida climate. Brandi is a baby gear enthusiast and loves sharing her favorite products, reviews, tips, and fellow moms’ advice with her readers.


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