Camden’s Corner


Haley and Christian, parents of Camden, 6, and Luna, 3, live in Jacksonville, FL. They have talked about creating their own nonprofit organization for almost five years now and decided in 2023 to make it official. Their passion for raising awareness for cystic fibrosis comes from their son, who was diagnosed at two weeks old after several complications. Camden has had six hospitalizations, three surgeries, and numerous other cystic fibrosis-related complications. His care is managed by Nemours Children’s Health in Jacksonville, FL.

The Christoffersens created Camden’s Corner (a nonprofit organization) to raise awareness for cystic fibrosis and build a community for caregivers, as we know first-hand how hard it can be to be a caregiver and a parent to a medically complex child. Our fundraising events help us raise money towards a cure (through the CFF), support the care center in Jacksonville, and build programs for people living with cystic fibrosis and their caregivers.

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