Guana River State Park Beach

505 Guana River Road, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082, United States

Ultimate Beaches Guide: When we want to immerse ourselves in the natural coastal environment, we head to Guana State Park. It is located just south of the Mickler’s Beach access. As with Hanna Park, there is an entry fee; but it is an even better deal at just $3.00 per vehicle up to 8 people. This beach access is gorgeous and provides ample parking. These beaches are beautiful coquina beaches, rich in sand and shells. We always find tons of oceanic wildlife enjoying the beaches with us. Beach access is open from 8 am until sunset every day. While there is not easy access to playgrounds, you can head across the street to enjoy education center and river/marsh hiking trails. Be sure to pack a picnic lunch and enjoy a day wrapped in nature.

Hopefully, you have figured out which beach you’re heading to first. What are you waiting for? Go get packed! Ahhhh … beach stuff … If you want to know how to pack like a pro for that trip, hop on over to Jessica’s post for tips on how to get beach bound.

Guana.png 9 years ago
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