Beaches Rock Gym

Beaches Rock Gym
14 West 3rd Street, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233, United States

We are a bouldering gym in Atlantic Beach, Florida. Bouldering is rock climbing in its most pure form. It is a sport that is fun for the whole family.

All camps will be held Monday-Friday from 8:30am-12:00pm.

What to expect
Each day climbers will be fitted with rental climbing shoes and harnesses provided by Beaches Rock Gym.
All sessions start with stretching, rules presentation, and goal setting. Each day will include a variety of climbing instruction, climbing games, snack time, mindfulness, and free climb.

Snack and Drinks
Please have each child bring a reusable water bottle. We have a water fountain for easy refills.
We will have a short snack time each day. Please pack a small snack for your climber to give them some mid-day fuel.

Beaches Rock Gym 2 years ago
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