Please Don’t Make Me Wash (and Dry) My Hair

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wash hairMy hair is longer than it’s been in 30 years. I don’t know why I decided to let it grow beyond my normal blonde bob, but I did. And I’m loving it.

What I don’t love is the time it takes to maintain it. I have very thick hair. Combine that with long hair, and it’s more time than I care to spend on it. Particularly blow drying. I hate blow-drying my hair.

That’s why I plan my week around my hair-washing schedule. As ridiculous as it sounds, it’s true. I will plan out on Sunday what days I’m going to wash my hair based on days I’m in the office, have a work dinner or happy hour with friends, am volunteering in my son’s class, or something to do where I can’t show up with my hair looking a mess. Although I’ve done that plenty of times. (That’s when a hat comes in handy.)


My typical wash days are Monday evenings and Thursday mornings, if I can get away with only two washes a week. Some weekends I have to squeeze in a Saturday afternoon wash. In between, my secret is to put some baby powder on the roots to take care of any grease that has accumulated. A friend of mine can go weeks without washing her hair! And it always looks flawless. How?!

I don’t ever straighten my hair because I’ve never had to. But once it grew past my shoulders, it decided to get wavy. I use two blow dryers — one regular dryer just to get the wetness out and get it mostly dry, then I use a round brush hairdryer. If I have more time, I let it mostly air dry, then take the round brush dryer to it for a few minutes.

It’s normally on day two, especially if it’s humid out, or if I’ve worked out and had it tied up, that it starts to get really unruly.

I kept seeing videos about the TYMO Hair Straightener Brush which looked easy and fast, so I ordered one. What I like about it is that I can just straighten the bottom of my hair. It’s more like a brush than a flat iron, so it doesn’t go completely limp. I hate my hair super straight — I’ve had one Brazilian blowout and that was enough to know I didn’t want another one. I’m used to volume since I have so much hair.

This new little gadget seems to be helping me stick to my two-a-week washing schedule, so I’ll keep the hair long for now — until I get tired of having to do more than just my simple blow-dry.

Kerry Schicker
Boy mom. Household CEO. Corporate leader. Outdoor lover. Social seeker. Sun worshipper. Curious traveler. Champagne enthusiast. These words describe me, Kerry Schicker, and contributor for Jacksonville Mom. I first approached founders Vicky and Megan after a heartbreaking miscarriage a few years ago. I had a very unpleasant experience with my OB at the time and I needed to get it off my chest so I wrote an anonymous blog that resonated with some of our readers. I have since written dozens of blogs mostly about motherhood. I have a passion for writing. My 20-year career has grown through some form of writing including TV news reporting and producing, magazine publishing, public relations, advertising, marketing, blogging and my current day job doing HR and employee communications for a Fortune 300 FinTech company. I am thankful that Jacksonville has such a supportive community for moms like me, and I can't imagine raising my two boys anywhere else.


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