Being A Soccer Mom Isn’t So Bad


Yes, sometimes it’s crazy. Some days I get in the car and don’t know which way I am going. I’m pretty sure we’ve shown up at the wrong field at least once in our lifetime so far! In the morning bags are packed with shin guards, a soccer uniform, and cleats ready to pick up from one activity and move directly on to the next. Quick dinners on the go sometimes, or really late, or really early. Late nights at practice. Equipment (that can sometimes cost a fortune) spilling out of the garage. Endless laundry and stain-removing. It seems like it makes things complicated, but most days it’s the busy-ness of the kid’s activities that actually keeps us balanced!

I never dreamed I’d be a soccer mom. I remember intentionally not over-scheduling my kids in the beginning because I wanted them to have enough play time and family time. Before kindergarten, they participated in simply one activity per YEAR! It wasn’t until Kindergarten or First Grade that we allowed our kids to do a sport or activity per season in addition to Scouts throughout the year. Now my oldest are in Fourth Grade, and their activities have become a big part of our lives. Multiple sports and activities almost every season is now the norm.

I often wonder if we did less, would I have more me-time? Would I be more organized? Would more projects get done on time? Would I enjoy parenthood more? Even with a two-year-old in tow, it is such a joy to watch my kids play sports, sing their hearts out in the school play, earn scouting badges, and participate in other clubs and activities at church and school. It’s really the fun part of parenting to me. I love it, and they love it. And yes, we have crazy days and weekends sometimes, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Everybody says your children’s years go by in a flash, and by doing less we aren’t going to slow that down one bit or make it any less of a blur. We’ll just go for more fun for all!

The things I love that keep us balanced:

1. It’s total social time for them and for me! We usually try to be on teams with friends, and that guarantees us a playdate once a week or so and time to catch up with my mom friends!

2. The nostalgia I have and the nostalgia we are providing them for later. I distinctly remember my time as a child on the fields. The times I was in the bleachers cheering on my siblings. The hard work I put in perfecting the best cheerleading routine for competition. Driving with my family to far away tournaments. The coaches that invested in me just like my kids’ coaches are today.

3. My kids learn so much. Sportsmanship, the rules of the game, how to sew, goal setting, respecting other adults, team spirit, time management, how to be an encouraging friend, and so much more!

4. The community we are building. I love our little community and seeing other families at all the activities. By simply participating, I feel like we are investing in our community as we all raise our kids together!

5. They love it too. Almost everything we do they actually enjoy while they are there. And that just makes my heart happy! That’s right. Being a soccer mom isn’t so bad!


Kathy Waller
Kathy is a Georgia girl who followed her surfer husband Chuck to the beaches of Jacksonville where she became mom to elementary-aged twins Sophie and Will, preschooler Lainey, and baby Henry! Stay at home mom and avid volunteer, Kathy truly believes in teaching her children to embrace the community, to depend on each other, and to serve one another. Kathy served for a decade in the Junior League of Jax and is in her third year serving on the executive board of the PTA where her children attend school. She is very active in her church, Neptune Baptist and has been involved in the MOMS Club of Jax Beach for over eight years. Kathy has learned so much in her career as a software consultant for Oracle, but is always amazed at the skills she has acquired as a mom and community volunteer. Kathy also enjoys running and completed her last marathon (#9) in 2011, but always wonders if she shouldn't just do another to have a good even 10 under her belt!


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