Parents, you know what I’m talking about. Why is it that you can have one child who will wear a hoodie all year long — Florida summer months included — and then one child who REFUSES to wear anything with long sleeves or pant legs? Don’t even think about asking them to wear a jacket!
I have begged and pleaded, gotten angry, and even tried using scare tactics that they will get frostbite if they don’t wear warm clothes. Sometimes it works, but most of the time, it’s an all-out battle.
Temperatures must reach 50 or below before sleeves are even considered, and even then, it’s pushing it. I realize this might not be so cold to non-Floridians, but for us it is!
Wearing gloves? Only if it snows. Beanie? No way, too hot. Jacket? No way, makes their shirt sleeves feel weird on the inside, and the reasons go on and on.
Some days I roll with it, and some days I have to absolutely put my foot down so I don’t look like a bad parent sending my kid out into the world with no jacket on those bitter cold days.
Other days, I say, “Okay wise guy, go learn the hard way, and be cold and see if I care?” Don’t worry though, they won’t get cold even if they are. They will say they aren’t because admitting they are cold is admitting defeat.

Now, there is a plot twist to all this: My kid who usually likes to bundle up on cold days does NOT want to wear pants or even a hoodie today, and this morning’s temperature was 48 degrees with the wind due to kick in. I’m convinced this is a tactic to simply drive me crazy. Finally, he gave in and put a hoodie on with his shorts. Thank you, baby Jesus. It’s a Christmas miracle.
I then walk past my mirror and realize that I, too, am guilty of this North Florida-people problem. Noticing that even though I have jeans on, they have holes in them, and my knees are a bit chilly. I have a light hoodie on, with flip-flops. My toes are cold, but I hate wearing socks and shoes.
Enter the Taylor Swift song: “It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me.”

Oh my gosh, maybe I’m the problem! A syndrome, if you will — Florida people just trying to always do Florida things. If you are a Florida native, it’s simply in your DNA to want to do Florida things all year long regardless of the temperature.
So, I’ve come to the conclusion that this is the never-ending parent battle that will go on until the end of time. Some days I win, most days I lose, and I decide there are bigger fish to fry and carry on.
I will not, however, ever admit to my kids that I, too, dislike wearing winter clothes because that, my friends, is admitting defeat, and I’m trying to WIN in my house! Gee, I wonder where my kids get it from? There goes that Taylor song in my head again…
Tell me, are you Team Sleeves or Team Freeze? For me and my kids, I guess it depends on the day. Stay warm my friends!