“We’re done having babies,” I said through gritted teeth the moment I felt that first wave of morning sickness. “I know, I know,” my husband said almost guiltily as if he had forced me into having this third kid. “This is awful,” I lamented and the worst part was I knew it wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. That’s when I knew I was done having babies.
Parenting is tough, amiright? Add in nausea, exhaustion, a big ol ‘belly, shortness of breath ALL OF THE TIME and it can be downright cry-worthy. Then comes having the actual baby. There is, of course, the birth, which in and of itself isn’t the most fun thing you’ll spend a day or more doing. But surprisingly enough that is the easy part. The constant crying, sleepless nights, diaper changing and, well you know. I won’t make you cry with the details. It’s a time of so much love but also so much craziness. I know what I’m getting into with this 3rd, and as ecstatic as I am to have another sweet baby to hold, I’m also ready to be done with the baby making business. So ready in fact, the second I got my first bout of nausea I started dreaming about life after baby #3, and all of the things I was going to do once I was out of the baby stage.
Get a Job – I will eventually have to get a FULL-time out-of-the-house job and for the first time since having kids I’m kinda excited about it. This likely won’t be for a while but I’m excited about finding a bit of my self again and possibly changing careers. I’ve discovered a new passion since having kids and if I can find a way to incorporate that into a full-time position then I’m not bummed about having to go back full time. Either way, I think I’ll be more ready than ever before.
Non-Kid Vacations – It might not be for another 5+ years but I look forward to non-kid-themed vacations. While I truly do love an Orlando theme park vacay I am over-the-moon excited to be able to expand our vacation options. I’m looking at you Blowing Rock, NC. I’m aware we can make the trip now but I’m excited for the day when EVERYBODY can hike without falling off the mountain, roast marshmallows without falling in the fire, ride bikes without falling, etc.
Having Conversations – My goodness do I LOVE the baby/toddler stage but I am so looking forward to having conversations with ALL of my children. My oldest is at such a great stage where we can have real conversations. I KNOW what she’s saying, what she wants and why she’s happy/sad. What a great thing after having no idea why she cried day and night. A few years ago I received a jar full of “dinner questions” I’ve been dying to use. I’ve loved the idea but it has always been too “old” for our girls. It will be an exciting day when we can read those and share ideas, thoughts, questions, and even argue about things.
Getting My Body Back – I’d be remiss not to mention I’m excited about getting my body back. Part of this means getting back into shape and staying there for good knowing I won’t be going through the physical changes of pregnancy again. The other part of that is LITERALLY getting my body back. Between pregnancy, birth, and nursing I am excited for the day when a baby will not rely on my body for life. But until then I am over the moon to do it all again.
None of this means I am not cherishing this third pregnancy or the baby that will arrive in June. It also doesn’t mean I am impatient of my three-year-old to be conversation or mountain ready. It just means I am phasing out of this baby thing and I am looking forward to the future with my husband and three girls.
Now stay tuned for the post where it turns out I am super sad about being done with having kids!
I LOVE this. I am only 24 and we are having our second son next Friday. Our firstborn just turned two. We planned them close together and I’m still so happy we got pregnant so quick. I want our boys to be close, and I also am ready to put this “phase” behind us. I’m just so worried that down the road I will feel like I’m not done having babies because I’m so young and we will have two babies back to back, so by the time our youngest is 5, I’ll just be turning 30(still young enough for more babies!). I really feel like I’m done and I 100% love every point you made on here. I don’t want that horrible dread if I find us pregnant again down the road, but I also don’t want to make a permanent decision based on how young I am and how close I’m age our boys will be. Thanks for sharing this and being so real! Loved it.
I feel like I could’ve wrote those. Due with baby #3 in June as well and I cannot wait to be done with pregnancy forever. Especially being pregnant and dealing with a toddler who hates sleep when all I want to do is sleep the next 3 months away
Congratulations on baby #3! It’s a wild ride that 3rd but also the best. I should write a follow up to this because to my shock after having baby #3 I found myself in hysterics for months over being done with having kids. Hormones…