
This author has asked to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of this topic or to protect other parties involved.

In-Laws: The Struggle and the Stories

I can still remember how nervous I was meeting my husband's parents for the first time. What should I wear? What will we talk about? WILL THEY LIKE ME??!! I don't think I was way off base...

Life Knocking at My Door

On what could possibly be my last night in rehab, I am inspired to write a farewell letter. The past 79 days have been a roller coaster of emotions: terror, pain, humiliation, anger, frustration,...

I Am Not the Woman I Want to Be

I am not the woman I want to be. I am not the woman I used to be, and most of the time I struggle to find acceptance with the woman who I am...

My IVF Journey III: Retrieval, Transfer, Blood Test

So this is it. (Read IVF Part I and IVF Part II) After two weeks of medicines and doctor’s appointments, we are ready to try to get pregnant. On a day determined by my doctor,...

IVF Journey Part II: So Many Medicines, So Many Feelings

  I’ve posted once about our decision to start IVF and the questions we asked ourselves and our doctor before beginning the process. Now I’ll get more into the details. This whole process is about eight...

My IVF Journey, Part I: Making the Decision, Asking Big Questions

It is an awful thing to admit to yourself you will never be able to get pregnant. All those times I babysat as a teenager and dreamed of one day having a family of...