Just Say Yes… to a YES Day!
How often do we as parents find ourselves saying no? Sometimes it comes so naturally to me that I say it before my child has even finished asking the question. This past spring, I...
8 Simple Tips to Help You Get a Jumpstart on Your Taxes
Can you believe we are already nearly an entire month into 2017? Have you organized your home? Cleaned out your closets? Set up your budget for 2017? There are so many different ways everyone likes to...
Just Say YES: Our Favorite Adventurous Date Nights
I recently came upon an article about Shonda Rhimes’ new book coming out this fall entitled “Year of Yes.” The gist of it is she took a year and decided to say yes to anything...
YOU Can Make A Difference Too!
When was the last time you did something for someone other than yourself? I’m not talking about for your husband, your children, or your dog, because let’s face it ladies, we are always doing...
Gift Card Date Night!
I love gift cards. Honestly, who doesn’t love gift cards? I have a confession, though…I hoard my gift cards. Restaurant gift cards, clothing gift cards, movie gift cards, the list goes on and on....
Skin Spa by Casey
I was fortunate enough to review this amazing facial I had at Skin Spa by Casey. It had been a long and difficult week for me, but from the moment I stepped into her...
Kids Allowances: Do They Really Pay Off?
“How much money did I make?” This was the question my son asked his father this weekend while working in the yard. This was the question my five-year-old son asked after only three minutes...
What is the Right Age for the All-Star Team?
Growing up, my husband and I dabbled in different activities. We played soccer, basketball, baseball, and kickball; did ballet, took art classes, did gymnastics, played tennis, and were on swim teams in the summers....
Nothing Wrong With Store-Bought
I am not the mom you love to hate. I am the mom who is thankful she remembers to pack lunches every day. And sometimes, snacks are forgotten! I am the mom who is...
To Wrap or Not to Wrap?
Around Christmas time last year, I came across a Facebook post from my friend regarding Santa and Christmas presents. The post was about whether or not gifts from Santa were wrapped or unwrapped. It...
A Mom’s Guide to College Saving Plans
College. I’d like to think this is eons away for my little ones, but it will be here faster than I think. While I like to believe that my children are super smart geniuses,...
The Best FREE (and almost free) Activities in Jax
It’s summertime and your kids are out of school. If your child is not in daycare or summer camps, your options are to swim, stay home in the cool air conditioning, or do lots...