Christie Pettus

Christie Pettus
Christie Pettus is a full time working wife and mother living her suburban cul de sac dream in Orange Park, Fl. She is Mom to two awesome teenagers, McKenzie and Ethan, who have come to accept that certain parts of their lives will be blogged about, so they should act accordingly. As graduates of the University of Florida, she and her husband Ryan can be found rooting on their alma mater every chance they get including the more obscure sports. LaCrosse anyone? When she’s not judging her kids' questionable teenage choices, she can be found hiding in a room buried in a good book or writing, editing, and dreaming about being a full-time author.

Raising Rule-Breakers: A Letter to My Kids

"Don't be afraid to break the rules. Just do it well." It's a simple motto I keep on my computer screen as a reminder that sometimes breaking a few rules is good for the soul....

My Son Quit Baseball (and It Bothered Me More Than It Did Him)

Five years ago, my son picked up a bat and fell in love with the game of baseball, and I fell in love with watching him play. His love grew into a passion, and...

Not Everything is a Life Lesson

“Life isn't fair.” “Being a kid is easy. Wait until you have to deal with adult things.” I would imagine if you walked into any household across America, you’d hear parents uttering one or both of the...

College Bound: What Will I Tell My Daughter vs. My Son?

I woke up Saturday morning wondering if I should be there marching with the millions of women who turned out across the globe. I wondered if I should be counted as one who showed...

Am I Getting This Whole ‘Parenting’ Thing Right?

The day we brought our daughter home from the hospital, there was a moment in the late hours of the night where the importance of it all sunk in. As I looked at her...

The Science Fair Project Exposed

Okay, science teachers, shoot straight with me. Your reasons for assigning science fair projects year after year has nothing to do with science, right? Please tell me you’re getting a kickback from the trifold...
Family Time

Music in the Rain, A Few Cuss Words, and Family Time

For all you moms out there with sweet, little children who think you’ve hung the moon and want nothing more than to spend every waking moment hanging out with you, cherish that time. There...

Life After Pediatric Cancer

The banner with the #44 surrounded by a yellow ribbon still hangs at the Oakleaf Sports Association baseball complex. It's faded by the sun but an important reminder that one of our own fought...

The 40-Year-Old Quitter

I’ve been anticipating forty since the day I turned thirty-nine. It was a milestone in my life where I felt like everything I’d ever wanted to accomplish would be achieved. Forty was where I’d...

It Takes Two To Make A Thing Go Right

“I think my husband is a better parent than me.” This statement I made to my friend had nothing to do with how quickly I rushed away from a soccer tournament game to get to...

A Letter To My Daughter About Heartbreak

Even though you haven't entered the world of dating yet, I’ve thought about the moment more than you might expect. The day you choose to give your heart to someone, and the day that...

The Day I Gave Up

It started out like any other day. Instead of using the 2 free hours I had to settle in with a good book, watch The Skulls on Netflix, or nap (all the things I wanted...