The year of 2016 officially marks my 16th summer living below the Mason-Dixon line, which means that I have spent roughly 42% of my life surviving a southern summer. As a native Midwesterner who starts sweating above 70 degrees, this has not occurred without a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. Well, maybe not so much blood, but definitely a lot of sweat and tears. A. LOT. I have spent the past two Florida summers pregnant, and this summer I am nursing, both which add many degrees of internal body heat in addition to the soaring external temperatures. This summer I am approaching the heat and humidity with a smile (maybe through gritted teeth at times) and a few secrets for keeping a positive attitude and not letting my mood burn up along with the rest of me. Let’s take a look at my Southern Summer Survival Secrets!
1 – Prefold Diapers
Cloth diapers? Yes! Keep a few of these baby basics on hand for soaking with water. I’ve found that laying one or two of these wet towels on the legs of my sons as babies helped keep them cool in their strollers in the summer heat. Thin blankets can work well, but they warm back up faster than these thicker, prefold diapers do, and they feel more cooling than the rubbery chamois towels as well. Wet one and wring it out before you leave and stash it in your lunch cooler. It feels great over legs, on the back of baby’s neck, or under the knees in a hot stroller.
2 – Insulated Drink Tumbler
The Yeti Rambler or Avex brand tumblers are insulated to keep ice cold for HOURS. Pack yours full of ice cubes and refill with water throughout the day. I have been so impressed with my Avex tumbler and have found it to be worth the investment — especially in Florida heat. It’s perfect for iced coffee and teas, too!
3 – Cosmic Kids Yoga
When I first moved to Jacksonville, I was told two things about local parks: (1) Only visit parks with shade in the summer, and; (2) Never go to a park after 11am because it gets too hot. These tips have been invaluable, but I used to find myself bored with my toddler around noon until I discovered Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube. My son (now a preschooler) LOVES these videos, and there are many different themes so your child is sure to find one they love and new ones to hold their interest. My son is doing the Cosmic Kids Star Wars yoga (in his Batman shirt and cape) in the photo — this is his current favorite!
4 – Chub Rub Solutions
If your thighs are also feeling the burn this summer, I have found a few great solutions for keeping your legs happy and smooth. Jockey Skimmies Slipshorts help keep yourself confident while your thighs are comfortable. They are not shapewear, but they do add some smoothing of curves without being tight or restrictive. Best of all, even if you’re a sweaty mess dancing the night away they don’t make you feel unclean or smell. Undersummers are adorable, add a bit of delicate flair to your skirt or shorts with their lace edging, and feel silky soft. If wearing another layer isn’t for you, there are many body powders and anti-chafing creams available online that will help you to feel fresh — Body Glide is one of the best!
5 – Coleman Cool Zephyr Fan
This fan is AMAZING. I love it and carry mine everywhere. It’s tiny and produces a great breeze; the best of the handheld, portable fans that I have tried. The downside? Don’t get too close, these plastic blades are not soft and this fan isn’t recommended for use by kids. I used this fan on my wedding day and the batteries lasted a full summer day in June in Savannah!
6 – Anti-Humidity Spray
The Oribe Impermeable Anti-Humidity Spray is a stellar brand, has rave reviews online and from friends, shields hair from frizz, protects sleek blowouts, and is Miami-tested. SOLD.
7 – Swaddle Blankets
Every new mom knows that swaddle blankets can be used for everything with a baby, but don’t let that stop you from stocking up on a few fresh designs for the summer. Use them as car seat covers (so buckles don’t have direct sunlight), steering wheel covers, drape from the windows for a privacy shield when changing out of wet swimwear or nursing your infant, or soak them in water and use to cool down in the shade (as my infant is doing in the photo above). I tuck one through my nursing tank to act as a cover since it is too hot to physically cover my son, and we use swaddles as instant shade when hung off the stroller handle bar and positioned against the sun. Smaller swaddle brands (Dwell Studio) can be used as a makeshift bandana, and larger swaddles can be used as a beach cover.
8 – The Dreaded Bra Sweat
Long story short, I didn’t know THIS was a THING until I was pregnant with my second child. The summer heat hit and I was left confused as how to best approach this new area of sweatiness. After talking with friends, I realized that I was not the only one with this problem, thank goodness, and I quickly tried out the More of Me to Love Bra Liners. They are thicker than I had anticipated, but they stay put well under the bra line, and leave me feeling dry and comfortable each time I spend a day outside in the heat!
If you have any secrets how you keep your comfort so your mood can stay cool in the heat, please share with us! I would love to know.