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Here we go again like clockwork. It’s the week before my period, and I feel like a bloated, anxious, ugly, mad monster who barely knows who I am. The week leading up to the monthly fun has become a...
I went to a conference in October of 2023, and it was eye-opening. I was alone, in a city I had never been in before, with many well-respected experts in our respective fields. Meeting new people for the first...
The person who made sure I saw this viral TikTok knew it was going to trigger me. I’m pretty passionate about how important play is, and this video with 1.1 million views is a woman bragging that she doesn’t...
Taylor Swift isn’t just for young girls anymore, and moms are pissed about it. Uh-oh. I said a naughty word... please don’t come for me. You’re only allowed to go after Taylor for that kind of inappropriate language. No one...
Healthy Fats. As a millennial, I still cringe when I hear that term. Perhaps it stems from the low-fat craze that ran rampant during my childhood. I remember in college, I focused on eating "low fat," and it frustrated...
In this hustle-and-bustle world we live in where everyone in the family is busy with different schedules, it can be a challenge to find activities that connect all of us and bring us closer together. Lucky me, my kids can’t...