Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger
Are you interested in being a guest blogger for Jacksonville Mom? If you're local and you're a mom (or have awesome and relevant information for local moms), we'd love to hear your ideas! Please review our Guest Blog Guidelines for more information.

Making Christmas Magic As a Co-Parenting Mom

Behind the Christmas magic, there’s usually a mom making it happen. Whether reminiscing about our own childhoods or seeing the holidays through our children’s eyes, for those who celebrate Christmas, adulthood is realizing that...
blood pressure

How Can High Blood Pressure Affect Your Pregnancy?

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 5–10 percent of women during pregnancy have some kind of hypertensive disorder. Some women have high blood pressure before they get pregnant, while...

The Making of a School Choice: A Millennial Mom’s Guide

It feels like we just sent the kids back to school, and now it’s time to think about what’s next. Whether you’re new to Duval County or transitioning from elementary to middle or high...
FOXG1 syndrome

Charity Spotlight: The Aidyn Mae Hope Fund

When Jacksonville parents Tessa and Daryl Gottlieb received their infant daughter’s diagnosis in 2021, the world as they knew it stopped spinning. At the time, FOXG1 syndrome was a term unknown to Tessa and...

Unfinished To-Do Lists and Full Hearts: Rethinking Productivity as a Mom

As moms, we’re often taught to measure our success by how much we can cross off our to-do lists. The more tasks we complete, the more we feel accomplished. But if you’ve ever ended...
pace center

Pace Center for Girls: Transforming Lives, Empowering Futures

Pace Center for Girls, Jacksonville is uniquely positioned to transform lives and communities through our personalized and holistic approach. We believe in the power and potential of every girl, and we envision a...
pregnancy and bone health

Pregnancy and Bone Health

Pregnancy is a time of tremendous change and growth — not just for your ever-expanding belly and pant size. A lot is going on when it comes to your overall health, even your bone...

I Am Not My Mental Illness

Tired working mama of three young kiddos here, dropping in to say hi to you. How are you doing? No, really, how are YOU? Are you taking care of YOU first? Doing your self-care?...
doing less

Navigating the Guilt of Doing Less: Choosing Family and Mental Health Over Hustle

Have you ever felt like you’re caught in a never-ending cycle of hustle — constantly juggling work, family life, and a never-ending to-do list? As moms, we often feel this pressure to “do it...
school lunches

5 Simple Tips for Packing School Lunches

A return to routine, maybe a chance to enjoy your coffee while it’s actually hot, the hope that cooler weather is on the horizon... back to school is pretty darn great until you remember...
pregnancy and heart health

Pregnancy and Heart Health

Pregnancy and impending parenthood can make your heart skip a beat or two. It can make your heart sing or tear at your heartstrings. But how does pregnancy affect your heart health? And how...
public schools

Help Save Our Public Schools (and Our Teachers)

Our traditional public schools are facing a growing crisis in this rapidly evolving landscape of schools and "school choice." Public schools are competing with private schools (Florida now offers private school vouchers, regardless of...