Meredith Loudenback

Meredith Loudenback
Meredith Fitts Loudenback is originally from South Carolina and moved to Jacksonville after graduating from Clemson University in 1994. Meredith and her husband enjoyed living in London and Boston for several years before relocating back to Jacksonville in 2010. Meredith has worked in medical sales and, most recently, interior design. She has been married for 24 years, has a 14-year-old son. Meredith is passionate about travel, books, aesthetics, and design, and in her free time, she loves having active family adventures and small, intimate dinners with her treasured circle of friends.
skin health

Being Savvy in the Aesthetic World of Skin Health Procedures

I grew up in the days of Merle Norman pancake full-coverage base makeup. It wasn’t called foundation at that time, and I doubt anything other than full-coverage base makeup existed. The trend in the...

I’ve Been Wearing It Wrong (And I Bet You Are, Too!)

For most of my life, I’ve worn a size 34C bra. Fine. My breasts aren’t spectacular, just regular, but at least I'd finally developed beyond the "carpenter's dream" boys called me in high school...
public middle school

Rising Up for Our Neighborhood Public Middle School

If you’re like me, I stressed about middle school WAAAAY before I needed to be stressed. Put it this way: I attended Fifth Grade Parent Information nights at our surrounding middle schools as a...
middle school

Starting Middle School Doesn’t Have to Suck!

I dreaded it for years. The hormones. The backtalk. The eye rolls. Uncontrolled emotions. His awkwardness. My awkwardness answering certain "questions." Seven class changes with seven different teachers. The increased workload. Bullies. Fights. Heartbreak....

A Holiday Tradition I ‘Gift’ Myself

I promise myself every year that I won’t procrastinate on “all the holiday stuff” next year — the decorating, baking, cooking, gift buying, wrapping, etc. Don’t even get me started on sending family holiday...
good manners

Is Being Kind Enough?

A few years ago, one of my son’s friends called me by my first name. He was 8 years old. He walked right over to me and straight-up said, “Meredith,” like he was a...
children's tumor foundation

Charity Spotlight: Children’s Tumor Foundation

They say it is the most common disorder no one has heard about. It causes tumors to grow throughout the body that can lead to deafness, blindness, disfigurement, bone abnormalities, learning disabilities, disabling pain,...

Yes, We Argue In Front of Our Kid

If you’ve come to know me at all, whether it’s personally or because you’ve read some of the posts I’ve written, you know my husband and I practice some old-school methods for rearing our...
Amazon Clothes Shopping

Favorite Amazon Finds: Affordable Fashion Is the New Black

Y’all. Shopping for clothes on Amazon has rocked my world! I started my relationship with Amazon clothing later than most savvy online shoppers, which is standard operating procedure for me. I’m typically late to the...

Why My 11-Year Old Isn’t Getting a Smartphone

Our son is in 5th grade, and we’re in the last chapter of elementary school days. He’ll start middle school this fall, and as parents, we’re heavy into conversations about preparing for “the talk”...

Know Before You Go: ‘Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge’ at Disney’s Hollywood Studios

Today’s Walt Disney World is a whole new world. Gone are the days of walking up to a ticket window the day of, purchasing your ticket, skipping through the gates, and enjoying any ride...

I Admit It, I’m a Hypocrite

I’ll be 48 next month, and I kind of like me. Well, most things about me, anyway. One of the things I like is my empathy and compassion for others, although it was a...