Yeah right, you say, don't drop the ball?!? As a working mom of two very active boys, I will tell you what has worked for me and how I survive each day. At the end of 2010, I celebrated...
I think I downloaded my first toddler app during a major meltdown at a restaurant...or was it the grocery store? I'm not totally sure, since my first 15 months with Kingsley remains something of a blur--but as I discovered,...
When I got the call from the school nurse informing me my daughters had lice, I had no idea what to do. Ewwww.... did I need to burn mattresses? Throw out pillows? For sure EVERYTHING needed to be disinfected,...
Yes, I am a stay-at-home-mom that DOES NOT like to stay at home! I realized early on in mommyhood that I was not a happy camper if I did not get out and see people. I remember the milestone moment...
If you’re like me, Pinterest is not a source of crafty ideas and fun activities to do with your kids. It’s a constant reminder that you are not crafty and that you’ll never have the time or creativity to...
It finally happened. The you-know-what hit the fan, and I've officially lost it. My amazingly adorable, intelligent and loving three-year-old just became THAT kid, the bad kid. Yes, I know it's a phase... everyone is telling me it's a...
Liam is three years and three months old. He STILL wears diapers. REFUSES to sit on the toilet. I've taken the mindset that I would be patient and when he was ready I would roll with it. I have...
Let's admit it, we've all fantasized about the ideal birth. The moment you find out you're pregnant, you start looking into birthing classes.  Will you do it Au Naturale? Bradley? Lamaze? Hypnobirth? There are so many options and so...
We call Isla “0 to 60” because she can go from being completely giggly one minute to a ball of tears the next. But I think that moniker is more suited for me. It’s funny how being a mom...
I love it when I find a product that makes my job as a parent just a tad bit easier. My grandmother, however, would likely scoff at all the "new-fangled" products marketed to parents these days. But hey, even Supermom...
"Make a rainbow cake," he said. "It will be easy," he said. Words from my husband John that inspired me to be an awesome mom (more awesome than usual) and actually bake a birthday cake this year for my...
My first pregnancy was full of surprises, including finding out that-- SURPRISE! Ten days before my wedding--my nausea wasn’t wedding nerves, but morning sickness. At my last wedding-dress fitting my boobs were spilling out the top, not because it...

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