Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger
Are you interested in being a guest blogger for Jacksonville Mom? If you're local and you're a mom (or have awesome and relevant information for local moms), we'd love to hear your ideas! Please review our Guest Blog Guidelines for more information.

Breastfeeding After Breast Surgery

There is a lot of literature on the subject of breastfeeding after all types of breast surgery (breast reduction, augmentation, and breast lift). Breastfeeding after breast surgery is possible. It is difficult to assess...

Jacksonville Doula Services and Childbirth Education

Childbirth. Such a simple concept right? Baby in... baby out. Like most other important life events, there are many decisions to be made along the way. Not only are you planning the biggest DIY...

Cleaning with Essential Oils

Healthy eating, check, regular workouts, check. I thought I had things under control and was feeling pretty good about myself. One particular day I even got a crazy burst of energy and decided to get...

Healthy Recipes and How They Changed Our Lives

One fall day, in 2009, my phone rang. “Are you sitting down?” the caller asked. I was told my one-year-old daughter was allergic to wheat, dairy, soy, petroleum based dyes (red 40), and acutely allergic...
Wee Sprout

Top 5 Affordable, Fashionable, and Non-Franchised Shops for Kids in Jacksonville

I read an article a few years ago about the importance of supporting local. It included the obvious; maintaining local character and prosperity, community well-being, environmental sustainability, etc... But the most shocking statistic was that...
Summer Safety

Top 10 Summer Safety Tips to Help Kids Have Fun and Stay Injury-Free

The summer is one of the most exciting times of the year for your kids, but it’s also a time when kids can be at risk for injuries. That’s why Safe Kids Northeast Florida,...

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire – How not to answer questions about the Tooth...

Most kids live in a blissful world of naivety and magic—until one day they don’t. Inevitably rumors swirl, maybe at school, on the bus or at a friend’s house, and a curious 7-year-old mind...
hidden honey bars

Power Foods for Moms

Getting out the door to go anywhere with small kids involves a plethora of items. I’m at the stage with 2 very young children where it takes a whole car load of items to...
Teenage boys perspective

One Teenage Boy Gives Another Some Perspective

Perspective is something people talk about when they are able to see their circumstances through a different lens. We were given that gift when our son became very sick in the Fall of 2013....

How Our Teenage Son Became A Man

In the middle of the night, I hear our oldest son, Garrett, 15, scramble into the bathroom. I worry he is not sleeping. He’s been sick for a few weeks, on and off with...
ICAN of North Florida

Journey to Healing – A Post-Cesarean Story

My first daughter was born at 10PM on a Monday. We had planned for a peaceful, natural birth - no drugs, no interference. I had been in labor only about seven hours when my...

Finding the Lighter Side: Visiting Hospitals with Kids

This past week was a tough one. My plate was already full with my husband traveling and the kiddo home with me due to Spring Break. But of course, when it rains, it pours...midweek I...