My son was turning 4 years old, but due to a rare genetic condition, he had only ever spoken a handful of inconsistent words. He understood almost everything we said to him, he could follow simple instructions, and he...
Is your kid addicted to their tablet? Can’t put their phone down? Well, you’re in luck! We have what you need to help your kids go on a tech cleanse. Summer is a time for kids to relax and have...
Here’s a scary thought: At 8.9 billion, the number of mobile-cellular subscriptions now exceeds the world population, according to the International Telecommunication Union. We’ve come a long way in terms of our communication methods and being able to talk...
My daughter received a cell phone for her birthday the summer before 6th grade, and she’s currently in 7th grade. We set up protections on the phone, such as she can’t download apps without approval and have no access...
I'm a '90s kid. My munchkins already think that makes me super old, but one day I'll tell them that I'm actually older than all of the Playstations, Xboxes, and almost all of the Nintendos in the world. Video game...
Every time we open up Instagram or TikTok, we're bombarded with at least one new viral trend or hack — things we "must try" or "need to buy" because they will just "change your life." I always wonder if...
If you can get through the traffic on the ride home, homework tantrums, screaming, dinner mess, making lunches, cleaning out backpacks, bath and teeth brushing, and finally get to snuggle time, that’s the reward for tired mamas everywhere at...
If you’re like me, I use an emoji in almost every text I send. Emojis are the perfect way to describe how I’m feeling... without actually saying it. The word emoji comes from a Japanese term that translates to "image...
"Dear Lord," I prayed nightly for years. "Please keep us safe, healthy, and together." Safe and healthy made perfect sense. Any new mom, particularly those like me who suffered from a large degree of postpartum depression and anxiety, would be...
Teach my kid how to what!? I can barely help them with their math homework. Before you write off this suggestion, let's learn a bit about coding. It is an emerging industry, and much like learning a second language,...
YouTube, Blippi, learning apps, gaming apps, Netflix, Amazon Prime. I love it all! And here's why... I recently attended my daughter’s end-of-year Mass and awards ceremony, holding back tears as I enjoyed the sound of school-aged voices filling a century-old...
Are you on TikTok? If you are, you've probably seen these recipes taking over your FYP (For You Page, for the uninitiated). If you're not on TikTok, you will probably see these recipes on Instagram Reels in about six...

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