It’s only November 6th and I’m a mom on a mission. For Christmas this year I vow to limit the amount of plastic that enters my house by including gifts that I can make for my family! Plus, I just love to give people things I’ve made with my hands! Can ya’ feel the heat radiating off my Pinterest boards yet?!
First up in my seasonal crafting playlist is the anticipated/dreaded Advent Calendar. I don’t know what’s changed since I was a child (the creation of Pinterest perhaps?) but the Advent calendars we had in the days of old were simply pieces of cardboard with a single chocolate candy for each day behind perforated doors. This had to have been, at most, 5 bucks at the drug store, right? So why can’t we still use this? Because my crafty mother decided to produce a beautiful fabric Advent calendar with enormous pockets for each day. Thanks mom… it’s empty.
The Calendar
If you need to make an Advent calendar this year, check out these ideas:
Here’s a fancy DIY Advent Calendar – Shanty 2 Chic | And a cute calendar we can all do!! – Our Home Notebook
The Advent Gifts
Now we need to fill these unwieldy things with something that’s hopefully not from the dollar store. All of the projects I’ve chosen have excellent instructions, templates, and tutorials. Some are for my daughter, some for my son, and others they will both enjoy. Okay are you ready? Say it with me now (really) – “I think I can, I think I can….”
Days 1-6: Fabric & Felt
Felt Road Pieces – While He Was Napping | Felt Games – Made | Felt Hair Accessories – Useful DIY | Felt paper dolls & accessories – Rachel Denbow | Slippers – Made by Rae | Felt Mr Potato Head (not pictured) – Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows
Days 7-12: Family Photos (a.k.a. the easy days)
- Small Photo Albums, Scrapbooks, or Photo Boxes
- 7 days of printed photos
Days 13-18: Wood
Decorated Peg People/Family – Running With Scissors | Decorated Peg Ninjas – Frugal Fun For Boys | Simple Wood “Houses” – Hello Bee | Road Signs – Doodles and Jots | Wooden Cameras – Naptime DIY
Days 19-25: Ornaments
Felt Animals – Creative Cain Cabin | Kits for Scrap Ribbon Tree Ornaments – Fireflies + Mudpies | Kits for Stamped Salt Dough Ornaments – Oleander + Palm | Kits for Yarn Wrapped Stars – Live Laugh Rowe
So now you can see why I’ve begun to assemble my ideas and supplies this early, there’s lots to do before the start of the Advent calendar! I really do plan to do all of these projects. I know, it’s crazy… so in case my plans fall though, I will always leave myself the option of tossing in a high fructose, non-organic treat (leftover from Halloween?) at the last minute!
I’m working on making a felt advent calendar with pockets to insert surprises and activities to do. As well as a felt tree since my daughter is at the age to mess with the real tree. And a Christmas tree ribbon shirt.
Each holiday month I make some kind of shirt/outfit that she can wear during the month so she can be festive through that month.
I can’t wait to see how your calendar turns out. I might have to steal your leftover Halloween candy idea to fill some of the pockets;)