There's just something special about getting a handcrafted Mother's Day present from your child or grandchild, isn't there? If you are absolutely stumped on what to give the grandmas that really will make them smile (or if you're a...
Growing up, we didn’t have any St. Patrick’s Day traditions, but I do remember my stepfather grumbling about not wearing green because he’s Irish, or something about telling people at work he was wearing green boxers so they would...
This has been a hard year, and it's not even officially autumn. Our communities, businesses, healthcare systems, and social structures are being challenged and strained. And yet, 2020 has also somehow become the year of the new hobby. Some...
Who doesn't love to save a dollar (or $800) on a super cute house bed? I know that I can't be the only mom who finds pictures of decorative items that are way overpriced and has this Pinterest dream...
A few weeks ago, before our local safer-at-home guidelines were established, a friend of mine asked if I could help her make some face masks. She explained that their doctor had recommended the children and other household members wear...
It's safe to say that we're all going a little stir crazy from being cooped up inside these days. Our kids have a neverending list of questions, and we're all trying to find things to do without really leaving the...
I have always loved school supplies. As a child, I would get so excited to open a new set of crayons or when my mom would let me use one of the red pens she used to grade papers....
Raise your hand if you spent more time than you'd like to admit perfecting your family's holiday card on Shutterfly, Costco, Minted or one of the million photo card sites. Yep, me, too! We spend hours designing, assembling, addressing...
Valentine's Day was always such an exciting time for me as a kid. I have fond memories of my parents having a special surprise for my sister and me each year, a tradition that continued as we went off to...
Finding an extracurricular activity that your child is really interested in can be tough. My middle daughter, Kayte, had tried almost everything. Although she liked some and was pretty good at others, we had not found “that thing” she...
I cannot believe it is already the Fourth of July this week — summer is certainly flying by! Independence Day is an exciting time in Jacksonville, and there are so many amazing, fun community events. While getting out and...
Living in the Sunshine State certainly comes with perks — perfect weather almost 24/7 for beach days, park dates and picnics. But in the springtime, often between three to five o'clock, it is safe to say you can expect...

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