Becky Walters

Becky Walters
Becky Walters went from an Air Force brat to a Navy wife! Her love of travel and wine is shared with her husband. She is a former elementary school teacher turned SAHM to 2 girls(Addison and Evelyn) and a boy(Michael). Even though she has moved all over the world she considers herself a Texas girl. On the rare occasion, she has a few minutes to herself, you can find her enjoying a good episode of Real Housewives or working on a craft project. Becky is a Mombassador for the Jacksonville Mom Military Community Group, Mandarin/Julington Creek and WAHM.
house painting

DIY Painting the Outside of Your House: Yes, You Really Can Do It!

Joining the ranks of many folks making extensive home updates during these "unprecedented times," my family opted to spring for a new roof. But before the work could begin, we needed to settle on...

‘Not Quite Snow White’ and More Kids’ Books on Celebrating Our Differences

My daughter has been obsessed with the idea of princesses for the last two years. Whenever we go to the library, she returns with several books about princesses. During our last library trip, she...
surviving cancer

Surviving Cancer: When Your Family History Hits Too Close to Home

In 2008, my mom was diagnosed with uterine cancer. It was a huge shock, especially because the year before my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer. We have no doubt in our minds that...
day trips from jacksonville, fl

Jacksonville Day Trip: Fort Clinch State Park

A typical conversation in my house revolves around our plans for the coming weekend. My 3-year-old always says, “Mom, let’s do something fun!” Being the planner of my family, I keep a running “Florida...

The Art of Pumping While Traveling

Everyone knows breastfeeding can be hard. Whether you pump, nurse or do something in between, the process is time-consuming and exhausting. As a stay-at-home mom, I’ve been able to mostly breastfeed and only had...

5 Tips for Visiting Universal with Young Kids

When my husband told me the Navy was sending us to Florida my first thought was DISNEY! I couldn’t wait to show my princess-loving daughter the magic of Disney. While I was dreaming about...

Why Do They Call It PCS When Nothing Is Permanent in the Military?

Before I turned 15, I’d lived in two countries, four states and had been enrolled in five different schools. Growing up as a military brat we moved every three years like clockwork during the...