School Years

School Years In Jacksonville

As a mom, you want nothing but the best for your child, and their education is no exception. Choosing the right school for your child can be a daunting task, especially when you live in a bustling city like Jacksonville where there are a myriad of options available.

If you’re trying to navigate the ins and outs of your child’s education but do not know where to start, you’ve come to the right place! From the best childcare options to public versus private schools, our incredible group of contributors have provided robust resources to help you find the best solution for you and your family!

Not only is finding the right type of school environment crucial, it’s also important to navigate the emotional support your child(ren) may need as they group through their school years.

And remember, the key to unlocking your child’s full academic potential starts at home. Make sure to take an active role in your child’s learning, and support them in reaching their academic goals. Here’s to you and your child’s education!

“I don’t like asking questions in class because a lot of the teachers tell us we should already know the material.” As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, I began to become furious after I heard gifted kid after gifted kid...
Few things give us the warm fuzzies more than a child sleeping peacefully. But if they don't get adequate snooze time, be it through naps or bedtime, it can actually affect far more than your kiddo's mood. While loud snoring...
Who are these gifted kids and teens? These are kids who enjoy expressing themselves through the arts, academics, or in other ways. I consider all children gifted, as every child has unique talents, skills, or other characteristics that they...
As parents, we’ve all been there. We open our kid's backpack to see what treasures they left us, only to find the colorful pages of a book fair flyer. If you’re anything like me, you may have mixed feelings...
If you’re like me, I stressed about middle school WAAAAY before I needed to be stressed. Put it this way: I attended Fifth Grade Parent Information nights at our surrounding middle schools as a fourth-grade parent, and again as a...
Just when I figured out the best approach to parenting my firstborn, her brother came along. Surely, I could apply the same parenting strategies with him that I learned from the previous two-and-a-half years? Boy, was I wrong. In fact, my three...
I dreaded it for years. The hormones. The backtalk. The eye rolls. Uncontrolled emotions. His awkwardness. My awkwardness answering certain "questions." Seven class changes with seven different teachers. The increased workload. Bullies. Fights. Heartbreak. We have only begun the...
As the Computer Science Specialist at Jacksonville Country Day School, I am often amazed at how teaching methods have changed considerably since I first began. When I think back to my first year of teaching in the “computer lab” 11...
Whether you’ve heard of the Jewish Community Alliance (JCA) or not, the community center located on San Jose Blvd. in Mandarin is, and has been, deeply committed to the community of Jacksonville for more than 40 years. Through enhancing...
This year is hard. It’s strange, different, and goes against everything we’ve ever imagined for our children’s education. Yet here we are, making the best of what we can and returning to the “new normal” for our kids. Throughout...
I am the mother of a 4-year-old.  That sentence carries all of the weight that you know so well. As the pressures and judgments of the mothering world come down upon you, let me put you at ease regarding your...
I remember vividly the day that my oldest daughter began preschool. She did not separate well — she never had! Her preschool teacher (thanks, Miss Amy!) was so patient, and my daughter was going to be fine. Why then...

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