My family loves going to big events that come to Jacksonville, but sometimes they can get a little pricey. Ticket cost, fees, and surcharges and then what you spend on parking, merchandise, and food. Yikes! Even before we were a family of six, I...
The tiniest hands in our house have mastered the art of swiping, clicking and typing on anything with a flat-screen or a keyboard. And since Bert and Ernie have been known to do some unsavory things on YouTube, it’s...
The opening ceremony of the XXII Sochi Olympic Winter Games 2014 kicked off on Friday, February 7 at 12:18pm ET. I'm dating myself here, but the 1984 Olympic Games took place while I was in Kindergarten. I remember posing...
Disney’s Frozen is a huge sensation! The movie is breaking box office records and creating hairbrush singers out of all our little girls. Is “Let It Go” on constant rotation in your house too? “Do You Want to Build...
As a follow up to my post last week about Easy DIY Valentines for students, I'd also like to share a few simple ideas for teachers. They have the important role of educating our little ones during their most...
Can you believe that my husband and I never argue about money? Well, at least not since we started budgeting many years ago. Don't get me wrong... we're not some sort of super lovey-dovey couple who never has had...
Rightly so, my nickname has always been "The Planner." I'm that mom you love to hate. You know, the one who has her holiday cards stamped and addressed before Thanksgiving. In fact, they're done so early that I find...
After I left my engineering job in 2009 to stay at home full time with my first born, our family income was reduced to nearly half of its previous state. Although we were prepared (on paper) for this change,...
Repeat after me:  "I Mommy... promise to being more organized in 2014. I will stop spending too money much on groceries and will stop stressing due to last minute meal-time decisions." Seriously... this is the year. I'm certain that I...
Planning on ringing in the new year at home with the kids? Me too. You're never too young to enjoy a good party! And what a great way to teach your kids about goals and resolutions. This may be...
It's one of the best things leading up to the Holidays, right!? Checking the mail each day wondering whose cards you'll receive next. I love seeing what everyone has been up to throughout the year (even if they are...
Isn't this such an exciting time of year? I feel like such a kid. Only, I really don't care if I get a single gift, it's the excitement of my kids that's got me giddy! So what is it...

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