School Years

School Years In Jacksonville

As a mom, you want nothing but the best for your child, and their education is no exception. Choosing the right school for your child can be a daunting task, especially when you live in a bustling city like Jacksonville where there are a myriad of options available.

If you’re trying to navigate the ins and outs of your child’s education but do not know where to start, you’ve come to the right place! From the best childcare options to public versus private schools, our incredible group of contributors have provided robust resources to help you find the best solution for you and your family!

Not only is finding the right type of school environment crucial, it’s also important to navigate the emotional support your child(ren) may need as they group through their school years.

And remember, the key to unlocking your child’s full academic potential starts at home. Make sure to take an active role in your child’s learning, and support them in reaching their academic goals. Here’s to you and your child’s education!

Helping our children develop independence as the school year starts sounds beautiful. I can see the flawless Instagram-worthy image in my head. All the children packing their own lunches, double-checking homework, perfectly combing their own hair, matching their outfits,...
That was the question on a recent local Facebook group chat about school supplies. One mom wanted to see who buys exactly what is on the school-supplies list, including the quantities requested. At last check, nearly 80 people had...
Almost everyone these days has heard of Autism. You yourself may have a child on the spectrum, or you may know someone, a relative or friend who has someone with Autism in their family. Every child I have worked...
We've all been there — the time in your child's life where you need to find the perfect preschool or kindergarten to set them on the right path for learning. Parents of young children who are now researching preschool and...
The first time it happened we were at the playground. Noah was a new five-year-old and just starting to venture off away from me to meet other children. He was so excited to play with the big kids. I...
Organized mornings... is that an oxymoron or what? What family has "organized mornings"? Not mine... and no one I know of! Of course I'd like to change that. The conventional wisdom suggests that you should get everything ready for...
Discipline is one of those subjects that can be touchy to discuss. For this day and age, kids seem to be in charge and have so many more freedoms than they used to. I’ve worked in education for quite some time,...
Three days ago, the City of Jacksonville, Jax Chamber, and the Jaguars announced a new community-based campaign called Stand United Fridays. The purpose of the campaign is to encourage fans and businesses to rally around our home team! Our...
As a follow up to my post last week about Easy DIY Valentines for students, I'd also like to share a few simple ideas for teachers. They have the important role of educating our little ones during their most...
If you haven't heard of the Elf on the Shelf, chances are you aren't a parent or your kids are too young to really get it. In fact, the only reason I know about it is due to my...
After a long summer break, the first day the kids go back to school can be a bit crazy. Our FREE first-day-of school signs, custom-made by Katie Palamaro Design, offer a simple and adorable way to capture the moment and start a fun tradition....
Every parent worries about their child's future, and in today's world, a college education is a key component of success. But college tuition is more expensive than ever before, and the idea of saving for college can seem daunting....

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