Busy schedules and limited hours of daylight forces us moms to wake before the sun even comes out, or has us hitting the street long after the darkness sets in in order to get in our daily walks or...
Rewind three years ago when my first born was still slurping up spoonfuls of mush. He was a big eater, at least two jars, maybe more, per meal. I could feed him pretty much anything; sweet potato, squash, sweet...
I don't know what has happened over the last 6 years that took me from being the hardest, soundest sleeper to a member of the walking dead!? Oh wait, KIDS! I swear a mac truck could have ploughed through...
Our first Moms' Night Out at Penelope T Boutique in Jacksonville Beach was amazing! Every mom was greeted at the front door with raffle tickets and a fabulous Local Loyalties swag bag filled with tons of goodies. We had...
One year, three months, two weeks, five days, 12 hours, 30 minutes and 18 seconds - that’s how long I was injured (not that I was counting). I was training for my second marathon, doing a training program that...
The blue tree won!!! I have to say I'm pretty excited. I love this painting and I really want to showcase it in a special spot. So now for the design. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about,...
Here at Jax Moms Blog, we're getting excited about Halloween!  It's just around the corner and many of the festivities have been underway for weeks.  Now is a great time to start capturing all of this year's sugar induced...
Halloween in the south is very different than in other parts of the country. In Jacksonville, like in other warmer climates, some of the tips you find on the typical Halloween safety lists just don’t apply. However, keeping your...
Have I mentioned that I love the fall? Yes, I think I have! Besides all the fun activities like visiting pumpkin patches and enjoying great family traditions, the beautiful weather in the fall makes it the perfect time of...
I spend the majority of my waking hours with my kids. I hug and kiss them, prepare snacks and lunches and plan activities every day. I’ve learned that they obviously love me, but also act differently around me then...
Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday of the year! Costumes, candy and cooler weather! What's not to love!? Over the past few years, we have started many traditions as a family that has the kids so excited about this...
You know you want family photos for your holiday cards this year, but you're totally stressed about the idea of it and not sure where to start.  Stop stressing mama (yeah right) and keep reading.   Where will your photos go?...

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