A return to routine, maybe a chance to enjoy your coffee while it’s actually hot, the hope that cooler weather is on the horizon… back to school is pretty darn great until you remember it’s also the dreaded return of packing lunches.
But I promise, it doesn’t have to be that bad if you follow these five simple tips to make it easy on you, healthy for the kids, AND something they’ll actually eat.
Get the right lunch box. Start with an easy-to-pack and easy-to-clean lunch box. The Bento-style ones are great and often have labeled compartments to help your little ones cross off all the food groups. One that is dishwasher safe is a huge win.
READ: Back to School: These Lunch Boxes Are Game Changers
Follow a formula. A balanced lunch needs to fuel the kids through their school day. Some foods like a turkey sandwich check off a few of these categories at once.
- Protein
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Starch or carb
- Something fun

Get the kids involved. The best way to ensure lunch is actually eaten is to get your kids’ input. Draft a list of the foods they like in each of the above categories and post it to the fridge. If you find one of the categories is really limited, then that’s when you can start getting adventurous and trying new foods at home in the hopes you can move them over to the “like list.” It’s also a great idea to take the kids with you to the grocery store, on the odd occasion you aren’t in a rush. Have them pick out a new fruit or veggie they want to see in their lunch box. Older kids can start packing their own lunches, just keep an eye that they’re hitting all the necessary food groups.
Prep ahead. Wash and cut your veggies and store them in the fridge. Pop some chicken in the slow cooker for shredded chicken to add to tortillas or chicken salad. Clean your fruit and lay it out in a single layer to dry. You’re paying yourself forward with this step and it makes it so much easier once it comes time to actually pack lunches.

Pack lunch the night before. If your house is anything like mine, the morning is a mad dash from the moment the alarm clock goes off until the kids are dropped off at school. Make it easier on yourself by packing lunches the night before. When it comes time, it should be a simple assembly. No need for fancy cookie cutters or elaborate recipes. When you are cleaning up from dinner, get those lunch boxes out. Many times, leftovers (like roasted sweet potatoes or shredded cheese) can go straight to the lunch box and you save yourself a step.
While Instagram-worthy lunches look great, they are no more likely to get eaten than your simple healthy lunch comprised of nourishing foods your kids actually enjoy.
About the Author
Katie Hammill is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner, mom of two, wife, meal planner, recipe creator and outdoor enthusiast. Her mission is to take the complex relationship we have with food and simplify it for REAL life. She believes there is no one universal style of eating. She works with individuals and families across the age spectrum to find the place where healthy feels great and is truly sustainable. She believes in health before weight. Her practice is built on the goal that our “healthspan” can equal our lifespan. As a working mom, she know it’s not easy to feed ourselves and our families with all the conflicting information out there. It is her role to decipher the good from the bad and share the true story behind the headlines. She wants to give you confidence in the kitchen and at the grocery store allowing you to reach your health goals. Follow along on Instagram at @katiehammillnutrition or at katiehammillnutrition.com for delicious recipes, insights on the latest nutrition trends and a healthy dose of reality.