I love hosting parties and planning get-togethers. Most of us moms get so wrapped up in the daily snot and spit-up that we forget to plan a night out with friends! And we need one ladies! So here is the best kept secret on hosting a little par-tay while also doing a little shopping all for FREE!
Have a group of your friends gather up their unwanted clothes, handbags, accessories, hair products, cleaning products and have them drop it off at your house a few days before the party. The host then arranges the items on clothing racks and tables you have around the house. Don’t forget to set up a place for appetizers and drinks! Ask attendees to bring finger foods, you provide the drinks and let’s get the party started! Once everyone arrives they are free to shop!
I’ve heard of larger swap parties that had rules associated with them. I decided to keep my party small with just people I knew. I had a strict rule of NO BABY GEAR! This swap was for MOMS ONLY! After I shopped I ended up with nail polish, three pairs of shoes, a few dresses and a ton of books. Add great conversation, wine and appetizers and it was a wonderful night. Don’t forget to take photos!
After the party gather up all of the extra stuff and donate it to your favorite charity. I donated our things to the Hubbard House in Jacksonville which provides services to meet the needs of women, children, and men who have been affected by domestic violence.
I created an invitation using www.evite.com.
Here’s what I included in the event details portion:
Gather up your not needed, unwanted, bought too much of and it didn’t work and swap for goodies you DO want!* Clothes, accessories, jewelry, household items and more! *No baby gear, this is all about YOU tonight!
Bring a small appetizer and reusuable bags. Drinks will be provided.
**It would be much appreciated if you can drop off your items before the event!**
Have questions about throwing your own swap party? Leave me a comment!
Love this!
Great idea! Love it.
Following and interested in attending a local first, before I’d attempt my own. Brierwood area.