Lice. Feminist. Mummy Wars. Erotic Book Club.
All were suggested as potential triggers related to what appears to have been a murder. Who was murdered? Since I’m sticking strictly to the reading plan and going no further, I don’t have that answer. These comments from the various parents were my absolute favorite part of the first three chapters of Big Little Lies. Anyone who’s ever been part of a neighborhood Facebook page knows that those comments weren’t so far fetched as something people might suggest.
My thoughts?
It had to be the lice. Years ago, my daughter came home with lice and let’s just say it was a particularly dark period. Patience was tested. I was irrationally angry at my daughter for not “keeping her hair to herself.” And I seriously considered shaving all of our heads and moving to a new house that didn’t have lice. Times were desperate. We persevered without murder, unless you consider the stuffed animals we threw away, but if anything can drive a person to the edge, it’s those tiny bugs and their impossible to see eggs.
Back to more happy thoughts – who wants to plan a school trivia night with an “Audrey and Elvis” theme? I’m thinking that if you’re on the school fundraiser planning committee and looking to not be invited back, make that suggestion at the next meeting. It’s risky since you never know who’s looking for an excuse to attend a costume party, but it would most definitely cause all the Dads to “work late” during that particular event.
We’ll keep it short and sweet this week since we only got a tiny glimpse into what appears to be another great book by Liane Moriarty who sure knows how to set a scene and create unforgettable characters. She’s officially made her way onto my must read list every time she writes a book, and based on how much I continue to go on about her writing, I clearly have an Author crush.
Many of you were active on the Instagram account this week confessing that you’ve read ahead and are really enjoying this book so far. Since you are all so eager, let’s read up through Chapter 11 for next Friday’s blog. What do you think so far? Doesn’t it feel like meeting up with an old friend as we read one of Moriarty’s books? For those of you who just can’t help yourself, how far along did you get?
Finally, what was your favorite quote from the parents talking to the reporter? I bet you can guess based on how I started this post, but I’ll end with mine.
The head lice? What did that have to do with anything? Who told you that? I bet it was Melissa, right? That poor girl suffered post-traumatic stress disorder after her kids kept getting reinfected. Sorry. It’s not funny. It’s not funny at all. – Samantha
No, Samantha, it’s not funny. When it comes to head lice, no one wins.
I am at Chapter 52 and I think I have an author crush too!! LOL!!! Initially I fell in love with Mrs. Ponder and her tea drinking and biscuit eating!! Oh and her talking to her cat like it’s a person! Ha! And my favorite comment was from the teacher Miss Barnes about helicopter parents!! Bahahaha!! As a former teacher I can so relate to that!! This book is really good and she writes in a way that you feel like you’re part of the circle of moms. I really like it!!
Like The Husband’s Secret, this book is an easy read and has a beginning that makes me want to keep reading. But I am trying to not read ahead of the reading plan so I am only on Chapter 5. She already has me interested in the characters, wanting to learn more about them. The quotes section was pretty funny. The ones about the erotic book club and Stu’s comment about “a real man” made me chuckle. Thanks for selecting this book. I’m really looking forward to reading it.
Loving the book so far. On chapter 16. Oh, and I can’t even image dealing with lice! My daughters hair is down to her waist; can’t imagine how hard that would be to control!!