As I sit here on my flight to Hershey, PA, I’m reminded how grateful I am to be flying solo. Last week I flew with my three-year-old son and all of his “accessories.” The key to traveling with a toddler is being prepared. Be prepared for everything!
The worst airline horror story comes from my brother. He and his wife were flying with their three-month-old daughter Ella when she had a blowout. A massive blowout. Meaning it was all over my sister-in-law and even the seat cushion (they seriously had to replace the seat cushion)! My sister-in-law was smart enough to bring extra clothes for both of them since she knew her daughter had a tendency to do the unexpected.
Thankfully, that has not happened to me. But I can tell you that I started flying with my first baby when he was five months old and I bet today he has taken at least 20 flights in his short three years on earth. I’ve been through all of the stages from unexpected poop, puke, tantrums and screaming. It does get easier! Don’t you want to smack me in the face for saying that? I do hate to hear that when my toddler just smacked me in public. But back to topic…
Here is my diaper bag survival kit:
Diapers– Enough to get you through if there is a delay that you don’t expect. Same goes for infant formula. These items are so specific that you can’t pick them up in the travel shop at the airport.
Overnight diapers in flight– Just like long road trips the diapers will help you on long flights or quick connections when there is no time to change them.
Drink cup & bottles– I fill sippy cups with water from home and take it through security. They just have to test it. I don’t trust the tap in airport water fountains! I’ve done this with formula too. Just pre-make the bottles with water (the ounce rule does not count for kid drinks) and pull it out during security. They will have you open the top and they will wave a strip of paper over the top, put it in a machine to make sure you aren’t smuggling a bomb and you will be on your way!
Pacifiers– Bring them in a zip lock bag to keep them clean. Always have back-ups!
Snacks– I bring things like apple/grapes, graham crackers, fruit snacks and squeeze yogurt. Try to choose exciting things your child doesn’t often get. I’ve never had a problem bringing baby food or squeeze yogurt through security. Sometimes they make me open the lids and sometimes they don’t. Don’t forget snacks for you too!
Small toys– I usually go and buy something new or pull something out they haven’t seen in a while. But don’t go overboard. Sometimes they would rather eat and tear up the airline magazines!
Sanitizing hand wipes & regular wipes– No explanation needed!
Band aids or stickers– They provide entertainment on top of their normal function!
Carrier or umbrella stroller– If your child is small go with the carrier. Your life will be made sooo much easier to have two free hands. You can totally pee while wearing it. I swear, it just takes some practice. It can’t be any worse than peeing in a cup when you are eight months pregnant! When my daughter was small I let her sleep in the carrier the entire plane ride. In fact, in the Baby Ergo you can nurse too!
Some other great tips to help you:
- Flying with your kid is not the time to look fabulous so lose the fancy jewelry and get your hair up so you don’t lose it to a grabby baby!
- Don’t over feed your child prior to getting on the flight. This way they’ll be more focused on nursing or eating a snack. And it gives them less time to get bored.
- Have a flight attendant help with the rules. Meaning my toddler refused to put on his seat belt. But when the mighty airline attendant asked him to do it he buckled right up!
- Don’t take in too many fluids if you are flying alone with them! There is no peeing on the plane when you are flying with a lap child!
I fly alone with my kids more often than not but boy is it so much easier flying with my husband! I hope this helps you on your next flight and you avoid having to change out your seat cushion! 🙂
Love this! And I completely forgot how hard it is to pee in a cup 8 months pregnant too, ha!