Snuggles, blankies, and lullabies. If only bedtime was as peaceful and sweet as the things we would associate with it. The true stories of bedtime involve raucous baths followed by naked banshees refusing to put on pajamas. When parents finally wrangle those...
When I was deciding on the title for this blog, I found myself searching for the appropriate name. It’s not really homeschool, but more like moms morning out meets a play date with some preschool sprinkled on top. A perfect...
I’ve created a chore chart for my children, Daniel and Annabel, and they love to see their daily stars accumulate so they can earn a reward. We give them a quarter if they fill their chart by the end...
Fall, pumpkins, and Snoopy are just a few of my favorite things that all roll into one in Charles Schulz’s classic film. It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. On October 27, 2016, this beautiful story is celebrating its 50th...
I want to be like Virginia Dill when I grow up — that’s what I thought to myself as I recently left the Jacksonville School of the Arts.  As I walked into the beautiful facility, I heard a group of...
The Kind Old Lady in the Target check out aisle always turns around when she hears their noise and smiles at you. She speaks briefly to your kids, tells you that your children are beautiful — even though their...
Medications are the leading cause of poisoning in children. Follow this prescription to keep your kids safe. Open mouth, insert object. As every parent knows, small children are really good at putting things in their mouths. That instinct can be a...
It was January of 2012 when I discovered that my son Wyatt had Down syndrome. Prenatal screenings had revealed a higher risk – one in six, to be exact – and I had decided to go ahead with the...
In the middle of the night, I hear our oldest son, Garrett, 15, scramble into the bathroom. I worry he is not sleeping. He’s been sick for a few weeks, on and off with fever, weight loss, diarrhea. I...
This "season of life" with babies is almost behind me now. Last month our twins turned 2 years old. They were our last (third and fourth) babies. Our oldest will be 10 in the fall. So for almost 10...
I think I downloaded my first toddler app during a major meltdown at a restaurant...or was it the grocery store? I'm not totally sure, since my first 15 months with Kingsley remains something of a blur--but as I discovered,...
From the teachers and staff at Duval Virtual Instruction Academy, a tuition-free public virtual school available to families in Duval County, Florida. These days, there are many options for where and yes, how to send your child to school. Virtual...

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