Dealing with a picky eater is like a right of passage for parenthood. One of our primary jobs as a parent is to provide proper nourishment to our kids. That's what makes mealtime so stressful. We want them to...
They sit at separate non-peanut tables, don't get to eat the normal PB & J's that most kids are accustomed to and everywhere they go their parents are paranoid that someone might forget and expose them. That's the life of a...
Gardening with toddlers

Our Summer Project

"Liam, you dug up the broccoli that you JUST planted!" "Sydney, please keep the dirt in the garden honey! No, honey, don't eat the dirt, it's yucky!" Sound anything like your house when you are attempting a fun family project?...
My arms were tingly, my hair was falling out and I felt tired ALL of the time. This may sound like a typical day in the life of a mommy but when I was experiencing these symptoms I didn’t...
Every night I go to great lengths to provide my kiddos and husband with a healthy meal. A protein, fruit, vegetable and usually something else a little "fun" like heart-shaped sandwiches. All to have my three-year-old take a few...
Sometimes I feel like my girls are Pavlov’s dogs. If they are strapped into their carseat or stroller, they immediately start to salivate and call for snacks. But they aren’t the only ones that suffer from a snack attack....
Put down the kids' leftover goldfish and READ THIS. GMO's in our food are causing big problems for us and our children. I just recently started becoming more concerned about GMO's in our food. What is a GMO? According to...
I used to hate oatmeal when I was a kid. It was bland and dry and no amount of honey could make it moist enough to get down my throat. My mom always touted its health benefits but I...
"Make a rainbow cake," he said. "It will be easy," he said. Words from my husband John that inspired me to be an awesome mom (more awesome than usual) and actually bake a birthday cake this year for my...
For many of us, losing weight or getting back in shape is on the list of New Year resolutions.  Even if you don't buy-in to resolutions, you have to admit that there is something about a new year that...
This year, I am a TOTAL slacker. We just had a baby and moved into a new house and the most I can muster is to try to remember to move the elf every night (a task to which...
We hosted Thanksgiving at our house this year. It was the first time we had more than three people in our home for the holidays. In fact, we jumped from single digits and landed right in the middle of...

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