What time of year do most people think about their taxes? January and February, when those tax documents start coming in the mail? March? Or is it April when you start hearing about promotions for free coffee from Dunkin...
Every mom dreams of being like Martha Stewart right? We want each holiday to be a perfect memory for our children. We see all of the great craft ideas and think, "I can totally do that!" This month's cover...
I love hosting parties and planning get-togethers. Most of us moms get so wrapped up in the daily snot and spit-up that we forget to plan a night out with friends! And we need one ladies! So here is...
Date Night Finances

The New Date Night

A couple of weeks ago, I traveled with my family to Chicago for a continuing education conference. Our schedule went something like this: I get up early, learn fun new tax and accounting information in the morning, attempt nap...

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