It was a few years ago when I read an article that broke my heart. Written by a social worker, it told the story of a young boy nicknamed Stephen, who made his way through foster care, hoping to...
Growing up, I knew I wanted kids. Lots of kids. I had visions of Girl Scouts and basketball, a minivan, and filled bedrooms with halls that rang with giggles. As an adult, filling those bedrooms was a lot harder...
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West did it. Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick did it. Even Tyra Banks did it. In fact, in 2017, well over 750 American couples did it. What is this growing trend that is popular among...
Being a parent is hard work. Having a child wake up more than three times between midnight and 4 a.m. after the age of two is not easy — especially when you can hear through the baby monitor that...
When my husband and I made the decision to adopt, it was because we wanted to have a family  made up of biological children and children who were not biologically ours. Two months after we were chosen by my...
If you watch cable TV, then I’m just going to assume you’re familiar with This Is Us. If you’re not, then you might need to consider setting aside some time for serious binge watching. This Is Us beautifully captures...
Nurse Jessica Hamm remembers the first time she laid eyes on the 14-month-old girl admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Wolfson Children’s Hospital with horrific injuries. Suffering from a skull fracture, brain bleed, broken femur and fractured wrists,...

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