Before having kids, I thought the hardest part of being a new mom would be the sleepless nights. Don’t get me wrong, those are hard (thank you, coffee), but I never even considered the myriad of concerns and issues...
The World Heath Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, followed by continued breastfeeding with appropriate complementary foods for up to two years or beyond. I personally subscribe to the saying, "food before one...

Give Breast A Rest

You may be noticing a plethora of Breastfeeding related stories drowning out the usual engagement shoots and spaghetti covered babies on your social media feeds. August is National Breastfeeding Month, the first week of which is also recognized as World...
Breastfeeding can be challenging as it is, but bring a painful condition like mastitis into the mix, and it can quickly become a nursing nightmare. Typically caused by a clogged milk duct, inflammatory mastitis may develop if the blockage...
A little over 3.5 years is how much of my life I have collectively dedicated to breastfeeding my three little ones. I breastfed my oldest daughter for 18 months and my son for 15 months. My baby girl just...
If there is anything moms of young kids can agree on - it’s that getting out of the house is nothing short of a battle. Someone always needs to use the bathroom. And someone is always missing their shoes....
When I was pregnant with my first baby, I spent several months researching and reading books on pregnancy, natural birth, baby sleep, and nutrition. I thought the hardest part of having a newborn would be labor and delivery itself......

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