Last month I blogged about giftedness and twice exceptionality and how to decide if you should have your child tested. This month, I’m blogging about the intensity of gifted and twice exceptional children. Emotional intensities are not exclusive to...
My friend Meg recently posted a picture of her and her mother on her first day of Kindergarten. The picture was so sweet--you could tell it was from a different era. It was fun to see how her mom, and...
Our family seems to go to LOTS of birthday parties so most of these we have experienced first-hand. We think these are some of the best vendors in Jacksonville! Mom Tip: You can often get a glimpse of what party...
I was going to write a post about alternative milks and although that sounds like a mind-blowing topic, I had an incident happen last Saturday night that made me wonder what other parents would have done in my situation. My...
If there is one thing I am not, it is crafty. Even just the word crafty gives me a bit of anxiety. A trip to Michael's requires a cocktail and a translator. And don't even ask me what that...

Let Them Help!

Today’s moms are so busy that we clean the house, do the laundry, and cook dinner in a crazy frenzy. My kids often follow me around saying “Can I help, let me help!” There are certain tasks that do...
I like to consider myself as somewhat of a veteran to the world of baby products and services now that my oldest is about to turn four. It's an overwhelming task to register for baby supplies or even know...
Well, my baby girl is finally out of diapers! I dare speak too soon as we went through potty training once before, but this time, I think it is going to stick because I waited for HER to be...
I’ll never forget the first time I realized we could get my son to nap. He was about 8 weeks old, and we finally mastered some sort of swaddle/shush/pat technique that allowed us to PUT HIM DOWN rather than...
It's that time of year! Time for summer reading club! My family takes full advantage of all Jacksonville has to offer for summer reading clubs. Our favorite by far, and the first one we ever participated in, is the...
Is it appropriate to take your toddler to your doctor's appointment? I say absolutely! I struggled with this at the beginning of my pregnancy with so many OB appointments. My doctor wanted me to see him every three weeks,...
It’s summertime and your kids are out of school. If your child is not in daycare or summer camps, your options are to swim, stay home in the cool air conditioning, or do lots of different activities out of...

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