My husband recently returned from a six month deployment. As he unpacked, he told me about the awesome care packages he received, including cards and letters from our family. He also showed me the cutest cards he received from kids he doesn’t even know written specifically to him. He said the ship received so many wonderful care packages from various organizations and churches during their deployment, and what a happy day it was when the ship received mail.
I am thrilled that so many people understand the importance of supporting our troops during deployment. As a wife back home raising two small girls without my partner in crime, everyday life can get tough. What really touches me personally is the support my kids and I received from friends, family and my church while my husband was away.
A lot of people just ask how my husband is doing, which is nice, but what means so much to me is when someone stops me and says “but really, how are you and the kids? Let me take them for an afternoon and give you a break.” Or when someone at church just sits with me while I cry and complain. That’s why the event I am about to share with you made such an impact on me. When I was e-mailed about the “Babies for the Brave” baby shower being held here in Jacksonville, I just knew I had to learn more about this event and share it with my readers.
The Operation Shower “Babies for the Brave” baby shower was held on November 30th at TPC Sawgrass golf course in Ponte Vedra Beach, hosted by Amy Mickelson, wife of PGA TOUR player Phil Mickelson, and Cathy Justice, wife of Greenbrier Resort Owner Jim Justice. It was held in conjunction with the PGA TOUR’s “Birdies for the Brave” fundraising weekend. This particular shower marked Operation Shower’s achievement of “showering” their 1,000th military mom. You can find additional details about Operation Shower at
The baby shower honored 28 expectant mothers and new moms whose husbands were deployed with the US Navy. What a great way to love on these moms-to-be during a time that I can only imagine is bittersweet. Being pregnant is such a precious, exciting time, but to not be able to share it in person with your husband would be a bit sad and lonely. Unfortunately there are many, many women who go through these huge life changing events without their husbands because they were called to deploy.

At this fabulous baby shower, each participant received nursery furniture from Young America as well as a “shower in a box,” which included mom and baby products, onesies, crib bedding, clothing, diaper bags and toys. Initially, the participants were told there would be one grand prize raffle that would include a Young America crib and case piece and a Colgate crib mattress. However, the attendees were surprised to learn that they all would receive the Young America furniture. This isn’t just any furniture, Young America is state of the art, made in the USA furniture. In fact, this is what we chose for our oldest daughters big girl room two and a half years ago. We love it and know she will enjoy it for many years because it is so well made. As a Navy family you have to buy furniture that can survive many moves. Learn more about Young America furniture here.
In the past, I have actually had people make comments to me like “well, you and your husband signed up for this” or “you knew what you were getting into when you married a Navy man.” Most people do sign up for their careers and make certain choices that will drastically change their lives. This certainly doesn’t mean that it’s always easy. I urge everyone reading this to think of someone in your life who may need you to love on them right now because they are going through a tough time. Don’t just make an open statement such as “let me know if I can do something.” Actually make a plan with that person to watch their kids, mow their lawn, take them to dinner, pray for them or simply mail them a card. Even if we can’t throw a huge baby shower we can all make a difference in someone’s life and show them that we care.
I am so excited to share pictures from this event with you. Please take a moment and look at the beautiful furniture and decor, but most importantly look at the faces. I loved seeing the smiles, surprise, and sheer amazement on their faces as they learned what this organization did for them.