While I was pregnant with my children I did a lot of thinking and dreaming about the type of people I wanted them to be and the qualities they would have. Of course each child is going to set...
Last month I blogged about giftedness and twice exceptionality and how to decide if you should have your child tested. This month, I’m blogging about the intensity of gifted and twice exceptional children. Emotional intensities are not exclusive to...
I was going to write a post about alternative milks and although that sounds like a mind-blowing topic, I had an incident happen last Saturday night that made me wonder what other parents would have done in my situation. My...
Well, my baby girl is finally out of diapers! I dare speak too soon as we went through potty training once before, but this time, I think it is going to stick because I waited for HER to be...
There are many educational issues that impact Jacksonville moms. Potentially, one of these issues is in having a gifted or twice exceptional child. Giftedness is typically tested through an IQ test, but there are other kinds of giftedness, too,...
I’ll never forget the first time I realized we could get my son to nap. He was about 8 weeks old, and we finally mastered some sort of swaddle/shush/pat technique that allowed us to PUT HIM DOWN rather than...
Dealing with a picky eater is like a right of passage for parenthood. One of our primary jobs as a parent is to provide proper nourishment to our kids. That's what makes mealtime so stressful. We want them to...
If there's one thing I've learned about having young children, it's that they are completely unpredictable. Trying to determine whether or not they will be happy or miserable in any situation is like playing the slots. But our goal...
It's not easy to practice what I preach when it comes to parenting. I have worked with parents for years and taught dozens of parenting classes. Does that mean I always do the "right" thing? Absolutely not. Knowing what...
Did my four-year-old just roll her eyes at me? I stared back at this tiny little face, a miniature reflection of my husband, knowing that if she did roll her eyes, there was more to come. I asked her...
April is officially designated as Autism Awareness month. For a parent of a child on the Autism Spectrum, every month, week, day, minute and second you are aware of autism and the effect is has on your life. My...
A few weeks ago, my sister (one of my son Owen’s awesome aunts) returned from a weekend visit with her friend and her friend’s four-month-old and wrote me an email that made my day. Here is an excerpt: “It’s amazing...

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