You can’t have summer without the sun in Florida, I mean we are the Sunshine State. Unfortunately, you can get too much of a good thing and nothing ruins a fun day at the beach like a nasty sunburn....
I admit it. I lie to my son. Everyday. And will probably lie to my daughter when she’s old enough to be lied to. I’m not talking about mean or hurtful lies, like if you don’t do your chores, we’re...
Dealing with a picky eater is like a right of passage for parenthood. One of our primary jobs as a parent is to provide proper nourishment to our kids. That's what makes mealtime so stressful. We want them to...
To be honest, there's not a whole lot of that going on. I am nesting a little and cleaning everything in sight. But the baby's room is not finished, my bag for the hospital is not packed, and WE...
They sit at separate non-peanut tables, don't get to eat the normal PB & J's that most kids are accustomed to and everywhere they go their parents are paranoid that someone might forget and expose them. That's the life of a...
I remember it so well. It was a sunny day in Jacksonville in May 2011, a perfect day to take the kids to the pool. Caroline was six months old and happily bobbing around the pool in her float...
Over the past few months, I have felt overwhelmed to say the least. With a new house and a new baby and six and four-year-old, there is never a dull moment (or should I say there is always drama...
Gardening with toddlers

Our Summer Project

"Liam, you dug up the broccoli that you JUST planted!" "Sydney, please keep the dirt in the garden honey! No, honey, don't eat the dirt, it's yucky!" Sound anything like your house when you are attempting a fun family project?...
“You convinced your husband?? How did you do it?” This is the first thing people say to me when they find out I’m pregnant with our third child. I have always wanted three children and my husband has always...
If there's one thing I've learned about having young children, it's that they are completely unpredictable. Trying to determine whether or not they will be happy or miserable in any situation is like playing the slots. But our goal...
It's not easy to practice what I preach when it comes to parenting. I have worked with parents for years and taught dozens of parenting classes. Does that mean I always do the "right" thing? Absolutely not. Knowing what...
Every night I go to great lengths to provide my kiddos and husband with a healthy meal. A protein, fruit, vegetable and usually something else a little "fun" like heart-shaped sandwiches. All to have my three-year-old take a few...

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