I'm a high-maintenance friend. #HMF There I said it! I need a lot, but I give a lot. I'm a lover and one of the most loyal friends you'll ever have. I always seem to have something going on,...
When I was in high school, college, maybe even beyond--I wasn't sure I'd ever want to be married or have children. I had big, fancy, career-driven plans and I viewed anything and everyone that could possibly hinder them with suspicion....
Finally getting that positive pregnancy test result can be absolutely thrilling. Even while you're still unwrapping the second stick to test again because this can't be real, you're thinking of the seven hundred Facebook friends who need to know, like, right...
Brought to you by First Coast YMCA Becoming a mom is a joyous time. Nevertheless, one day you might feel bold and ready, and the next day you might feel overwhelmed. Luckily, you can reach out to community resources to...

Give Breast A Rest

You may be noticing a plethora of Breastfeeding related stories drowning out the usual engagement shoots and spaghetti covered babies on your social media feeds. August is National Breastfeeding Month, the first week of which is also recognized as World...
On what could possibly be my last night in rehab, I am inspired to write a farewell letter. The past 79 days have been a roller coaster of emotions: terror, pain, humiliation, anger, frustration, hopelessness, anxiety, loneliness, anticipation, hopefulness,...
Summer can often leave you feeling like you need a break from parenting. You might even be looking forward to the start of school and a much-needed hiatus from the intense fun you and your family have had over...
Dear Friends,I am a lucky gal. After 13 months of Mommyhood (Seriously? Is that it?), I can honestly say I've found my Wolfpack here in Jacksonville. (Thank you,  Junior League of Jacksonville, JMB Neighborhood Groups- even the local forum on the What...
I am not the woman I want to be. I am not the woman I used to be, and most of the time I struggle to find acceptance with the woman who I am right now. The truth is...
I was diagnosed with a chronic illness later than many; I was almost 30. It's never going away, there's no cure, no "fixing it-" just an everyday struggle to try and maintain, to not get worse. Not get worse by...
  As I recently sat in a room full of women who’d found themselves in leadership roles within their field, I listened to a speaker talk about the choices she’d made over the years. Declining roles because of her need...
Announcing JMB’s 2nd Annual Amazing Mom Contest! We know that all moms are amazing, but do you know a real Super Mom? They are all around us – moms that amaze us, inspire us, challenge us to better or show...

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