Delicious food is an important part of any celebration, which is why one of the first things people plan for their gatherings is the menu. Even my kids know tasty dishes are a key part in making memorable traditions....
Lunch is definitely one of my favorite meals of the day! By the time 11:00 am rolls around, I am ready for something yummy, but I am always disappointed when I open my refrigerator door. I spend a lot...
When we lived in Europe, every Daycare (Crèche) I saw had an on-site kitchen. The kitchen had two proposes. Primarily it was to make food for the children. I remember walking into our son’s crèche and smelling leeks sautéing...
My son was born in Luxembourg, and from eight months to eighteen months he went to a French style crèche for day care. If you have ever spent time “on the continent,” you will be familiar with the French...
Fall is about to arrive and along with the leaves turning autumn colors, we will begin to see the arrival of fall-flavored ingredients like pumpkins, apple, candy corn and sweet potato making their way into the stores. Shelves will...
Beyoncé, Justin Timberlake, Paula Brunt…what do the three have in common? They are all “pop” artists. Except they create “pop” music and I create “pop”-sicles. As a mother of two, I’d like to think that I have somewhat mastered...
You know the song and the dance; I’m certain, mamas. Kid won’t eat any sort of vegetable. Mama tries to hide veggies in meals. Kid is on to mamas trickery and, therefore, refuses all homemade meals. Mama is desperate...
ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL? The date and the teams are set all, now it's time to plan the Super Bowl Par-tey! Every since I can remember, Super Bowl Sunday was a big to-do in our house. Growing up,...
I never thought I'd say this, but my favorite thing to do this time of year is bake! As soon as my daughter Avery was old enough, I knew that I wanted to start a holiday tradition of making...
As room mom for my son's Kindergarten class, I am in charge of organizing the Halloween party fall centers in his classroom. Due to allergies and anal moms nutritionally conscious parents, I am having to come up with a list of treats...
I don't know about you, but my kids are at a stage where they constantly fight, don't listen, and everything is drama drama drama. I have to keep my four and six year old separated as much as possible so...

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