Our Friends and Family must think we're crazy. In the last two years, I've been pregnant twice, with my husband deploying each time. During each of those pregnancies and just months before each of those deployments, he and I have made...

Simplifying Christmas

"Something You Want, Something You Need, Something To Wear, & Something To Read." These are the four presents our son (and starting next year, our daughter) will receive from my husband and I each Christmas. This year that means a Little...
I love holidays--the food, the festivity, the fun--but I hate choosing a gift for Derek. Why would I dislike giving presents to the guy who's given me everything? Because the dude claims he wants nothing, nada, zip! EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR....
Holidays in a military family can be something of a Choose Your Own Adventure. Far from family and the comfort of holidays at home, you're forced to create your own traditions--sometimes with people you barely know. I'm not from a large...
The fall and winter months are full of fun opportunities to get together with friends and classmates. Happily, when I sit down to scan Pinterest for ideas, there is no short supply of inspiration. The only problem is most...
Before marriage, before kids, my husband and I made the first major commitment of our life together when we brought home our puppy, Annabelle. We were both so in love with that sweet little ball of fur, and like...
I am good at a lot of things. I am also terrible at a lot of things. Decorating my house is one of them. I have a mental block when it comes to decorating. We live in a phenomenal...
I was diagnosed with a chronic illness later than many; I was almost 30. It's never going away, there's no cure, no "fixing it-" just an everyday struggle to try and maintain, to not get worse. Not get worse by...
For the past two weeks, my husband has been out of town for work. Solo parenting... the struggle is real. Almost every single night my sweet children would look up at me, right around 5:00, and ask 'What's for...
The 2015 Atlantic Hurricane Season officially started June 1st, and ends 30 November. While it is not uncommon for tropical storms to develop before and after these dates, this is the time of year where the warm weather is...
The design U. Spring Pop-Up Shop is open at The Avenues Mall through June 27th. Design U. is a creative, fun and fashionable experience for trendy and creative girls and young women who are looking for the latest fashion that they...
There was a point in my pre-baby life where I would allow certain, dreaded, cleaning tasks (Do you hear me, Carpet Steamer?) to go so long between "touch ups" that touch ups became impossible and new carpet became probable. We have...

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