Honest Thoughts On Having a Fifth Baby

PreganancyThe big news is officially out: My husband and I are expecting our fifth baby. Yep, you read that right — we’re having baby number five. In today’s world, that makes us a bit of an anomaly. Most people don’t have big families anymore. The average number of children families have today is two, so a couple with five kids? I already got stares whenever I took my four kids out on an errand; I can only imagine the reactions when I’m toting around five.

The number one question people always have whenever we’ve announced a new pregnancy is, “Was it planned?” I hate that question — does it make a difference? Is it any of your business? But in the interest of honesty, I’ll answer it this time. No, it wasn’t planned. It also wasn’t unplanned. I was surprised when I realized I was pregnant, but mostly because we had been pretty lackadaisical about it all, and it just wasn’t really on my radar.

I had always wanted a big family. I wanted a house filled with kids. I was thrilled each time we got pregnant because it was what I wanted. But this time, when I got that positive pregnancy test, I cried. I was scared, and I didn’t want to tell anyone that I was pregnant for as long as possible. A few close friends were given the news — I cried on the phone to them — but I kept it a secret otherwise. After having Clara, our fourth baby, I felt like I was done having kids. Our family felt complete. And my hands were full enough as it is! Still, I felt sad. Every now and then, I would think about never having another baby — never looking excitedly at ultrasounds, never feeling a baby kick, never anxiously waiting for that moment when I saw my new baby’s face for the first time — and I would feel so sad. I didn’t want another baby, but the thought of never having another one was devastating. (It made about as much sense to me as it does to you.) But still, the reason I was so scared and upset wasn’t because I was having a fifth baby.

It was because I dreaded the reaction I would get.

I sobbed, over and over again, to the few friends I trusted enough to tell that this would not be a baby whose life would be celebrated. It wasn’t just conjectured on my part, either; all I had to do was look back on the reaction we got when we announced that we were pregnant with number four. We constantly got rude, inappropriate, and snarky remarks… usually accompanied by laughter, as if it’s hilarious to joke about someone’s sex life or to tell them they need to stop having children. I didn’t say much at the time, but those comments hurt. They hurt me deeply. And rather than congratulations, we got sneering and scorn.

Don’t you know what causes that?

Man, one of you really needs to get fixed!

Don’t you have any hobbies?

You need to get a TV in your room.

Was this planned?

Are you done now?

You really should stop after this… I mean, enough is enough!

And on and on it went. I knew, with utter and complete certainty, that very few people would offer their sincere congratulations. People would look at us like we were crazy, irresponsible freaks with little self-control. It started after we had Ivy, our third child. She was our first girl, after having two boys. And so we heard all the time how we could “stop” now because we finally had our girl! As if children are a collector’s set, and we were missing a specific piece — now that we had at least one of each gender, we could be done. With Clara, it was as if we needed to apologize for her existence. This attitude came from everywhere — from family members, friends, complete strangers. When you have a big family, virtually everyone feels entitled to comment on your family size, your reproductive choices, and your sex life.

There are some things that I’m slightly nervous about, of course. I’m busy enough with four kids; Lord only knows how it will be once I have five. I’m not looking forward to losing what little sleep I get now. And it sure is nice to have four mostly independent children, who can feed themselves and play together and aren’t reliant on me for every last thing. But I’m also confident in my own abilities as a mother; I know that while having a fifth baby will be difficult, it’s something that I can handle. And I still stand firm by my assertion that the hardest transition wasn’t going from two babies to three, or from three to four… it was going from zero to one. Adjusting to being a mother when I hadn’t been one before was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. With each new baby, I’ve been able to learn a little bit more, and by now? I’m practically an expert.

So my feelings of devastation, whether right or wrong, were almost solely due to my fear of the reactions I would get. I didn’t want to brace myself for people’s cruel comments or thoughtless remarks. I want, so badly, to know that this new life will be cherished and loved and joyously anticipated… if not by the world, then at least by the people who claim to love me.

A big family isn’t for everyone; I know that. I don’t expect people to run out and have a bunch of kids just because that’s the choice my husband and I have made. But if a big family isn’t for you, then try to at least be understanding and accepting of us moms who do have a lot of kids. Don’t make jokes or ask personal questions, no matter how clever or funny you may think they are. Be supportive and be excited for them. And here’s a little tip that applies to all moms: No matter what her situation, there is only one thing to say when a woman tells you that she’s expecting a baby:


Cassy Fiano-Chesser
Cassy Fiano-Chesser is a Jacksonville native and mom to six kids. Her husband is a Marine Corps veteran and Purple Heart recipient. She works from home as a blogger and a freelance writer, and they currently live in the Argyle area of Jacksonville. Benjamin is their oldest, born in 2011, and he loves being a big brother. Wyatt was born in 2012, and he has Down syndrome. Ivy came next, in 2013, followed by Clara, born in 2015, who is a diva-with-a-capital-D. Rounding out the brood is Felicity, born in 2017, and Lilly, born in 2007. They love discovering things to do on the First Coast and going on family adventures, as well as cheering on the Jumbo Shrimp and the Icemen.


  1. This was an amazing blog post. I too am expecting my 5th child and dread telling people for that exact reason. I actually miscarried in April and when we first found out we were expecting. I felt ashamed, like I had done something wrong. Mainly because I knew so many people would disagree with my choice. Anyway two months later we are expecting again and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Yes it will be hard but I will never regret any of my kids. They are a blessling and I could care less what people think at this point. haha. Thank you for writing this it was what I needed to hear. 🙂

  2. Yup. Number 5 due here too. Totally dreading telling everyone. My mother in law would say when we had three and we expressed a desire to have number 4 “oh Gawd why would you do it to yourself”. She regularly would say that in front of her adult fourth child. It’s going to go down like a lead balloon. Thinking of sending out a very matter of fact text (I’m not on FB) staring the facts and saying that the only appropriate reply is “congratulations”.

  3. I completely understand! We have 4 , 3 girls 12, 9 and 7 and a 8 month old baby boy . I already want another one! My husband said that we could but in my heart I know that our family wouldn’t be very happy. Especially my mom who made me promise her I wouldn’t have anymore. Part of the reason is because they couldn’t get me to stop bleeding after I had our last. They never found out why I was bleeding. He was over 9 lbs . I feel like I wouldn’t know how to tell her?. It makes me sad !

  4. I sit here almost in tears after reading this because we just learning we are pregnant with our 5th and I have the same sadness. I have only told the few people closets, not even family, because we know the reactions coming. We got them after announcing the 4th. I’m spending these next few weeks in prayer, so that my heart is ready and not hardened toward people. We love our ‘big’ family and are excited.
    I pray your family is loving new little member ? and that you are getting rest ?

  5. What a good post. Thabk you for sharing your experience. I have 4 ages 14, 12, 9, and 5. Three boys and my youngest a girl. Recently I’ve started having the baby longing again and think of it all the time. I’m 40 right now almost 41. I’m in good health but feel guilty for having these feelings. Honestly I wish they would go away but they won’t. I am definitely busy enough right now but I would love all the joys of a baby again. I work in my church nursery but sometimes that makes it worse. My family would be mad and say I should have stopped at 3. But I don’t want to have any regrets. I am still not sure what to do but thank you for your post. If anyone has any comments please share

  6. I just discovered this blog after typing in “pregnant with 5th child and scared.” This made me feel so much better. I just found out i’m pregnant with my 5th child after having a set of twins 2 years ago. Instead of feeling happy I felt like I had done something wrong and have been so afraid to tell people for fear that they will make negative comments or be angry. Thanks for sharing this blog because it helps me know that I am not alone and that i’m not the only one with a large family.

  7. I love this! Thank you for this!!! This did make me feel so much better!!!! Hugs to you and to all moms. I LOVE having a BIG family and praise God everyday for providing it!

  8. Im pregnant with my 5th baby now too…and honestly im scared to tell my family and friends. My other 4 are all boys. But your article made me feel a little better thank you. Yes you dont see many families with 4 or 5 heck even 3 is a lot to so many people now. So i am still nervous about telling them.

  9. First of all…. CONGRATS on all of God’s Blessings! Each child is a gift, and God chose you to be their momma. Remember that!

    Secondly, ignore the snarky and snide comments or laughter. People act that way when they are uncomfortable, to deflect away from themselves as what they perceive to be their own shortcomings.

    Third, and you’ve already done this too, love and hug them every chance you get. We get one chance to enjoy them as babies, and then they’re gone. We don’t ever get that time back.

    I have an almost 21 year old, a 7 year old, and now a 7 month old. I get the snotty comments, because of how far apart mine are stretched. My response is (and will always be) I’m done having babies when God quits blessing me with them. That’s between me, my husband and God.

    Keep smiling, keep loving on those babies, and keep writing what you do. You’re inspiring a lot of local mommas to keep their heads up— and we all need that little bit of encouragement each day.

  10. I cried when I read this. Thank you. I’m pregnant with my 5th and I’m 39. I’ve always wanted a big family. Always. But I haven’t told many people at all that I’m pregnant. I just don’t want the comments. But, and I must be honest. I know they are coming and I am ready to be very blunt on saying my body, my family, my choice. I still cry about it though. I am not ready to handle 5 children (and 3 under 3) at 39.
    I remember crying when I had my youngest daughter, knowing that she would be my last. Last nursing child. Last sweet bundle in my arms. The sound of a newborn cry. It broke my heart. And now, God chose to bless me again and I am scared of what? People. And how harsh society is bc the norm is 2.
    Thank you for your post. A lot.

    • It is now 7:53 a.m. and I my oldest who is 12, is heading to school. She’s walking around getting ready and I. Sitting here pregnant with my 5th crying my eyes out reading this stuff lol. I am going through too much stuff to type but I am 30 and things are rough right now. I have always been more happy and optimistic in life than others. It seems Everytime I try to be the “norm”, do the “norm”, or think the “norm” it backfires, be it in a good way or bad. This article has my juices flowing, it was very helpful and so was this comment.


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